Are you guys speaking from experience? Have you all tried the device and found it to be poorly executed?
I'm really curious. Everything I've read suggests the failure had less to do with the device itself and more with the botched rollout - pricing being way too high and AT&T exclusivity hurting them badly. They essentially used the Apple playbook from 2007 to play a game in a very different, crowded and competitive smart phone landscape of 2014. It obviously failed to deliver the results they wanted, but does it mean the phone itself is deeply flawed?
The phone is for my wife to hold her over until iPhone 6S comes out (her words, exactly). I may try it after she's done. I've read that the recent update was massive and made the device much better to use. Side loading Google services is always easily accomplished - turning it into a solid performer. I'm really curious to see just what this thing is about.
I've used one but never bought one.
1) you are locked into Amazons ecosystem
2) stock apps are poor including the basics
3) the GUI is abysmal. They prioritised 'hokey gimmick parallax UI' over real end user experience. Menu system is atrocious, navigating and finding your apps requires far more effort than it ever should
4) It's a dead project - meaning software updates haven't been frequent.
Outside of software - the device itself is blocky and generic.
Fine if your picking up the device as a curio now it's being firesale'd - do so just to see for yourself. But do not expect a great experience - expect a confused middling locked down one and you really won't be disappointed - but you likely will still be underwhelmed. It's a failure for many reasons.
Seriously if it's just to tide you over - you'd be better served with a Moto E or Moto G until iPhone 6s comes out and you likely will have less issues reselling the E, G than you would the Fire Phone