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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 14, 2005
Engadget Story

Wow, apparently Amazon posted this info earlier, then removed the price and delivery date, and then took down the whole page! Oops...Looks to be a very nice update to the massively successful 30d and will probably put a lot of pressure on the d200 at around the same price point. Seems like most of the new Canon models are getting the self-cleaning sensors and live view. 6.5fps, too...isn't that faster than the 5d? This could be a very tempting replacement for my Rebel XT


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
Engadget Story

Wow, apparently Amazon posted this info earlier, then removed the price and delivery date, and then took down the whole page! Oops...Looks to be a very nice update to the massively successful 30d and will probably put a lot of pressure on the d200 at around the same price point. Seems like most of the new Canon models are getting the self-cleaning sensors and live view. 6.5fps, too...isn't that faster than the 5d? This could be a very tempting replacement for my Rebel XT

It sure does sound nice for the Canon folks. With this 40D and the 1Ds Mark III that leaked pressure is sure being put on Nikon... where's the D300 and D3x?? :)


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 14, 2005
Both the 20D and the 30D were already faster than the 5D, 5 fps vs. 3.
If the 40D is anything like its older siblings, it'll be a really good camera.

Good point, I suppose the 5D is not aimed at the serious sports photographer that spends all their time on the sidelines. 3fps is plenty fast for me right now, but it's always nice to have the extra speed there if you need it.

Martin C

macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2006
New York City
I'm interested in the 40D, but I'd first like to see Nikon's offerings with the D300. Rumors going around state something about an August 23rd announcement. I don't know if I buy that rumor though...


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Now where's the replacement 5D?! :(

Ten bucks says next year. Probably at PMA, would be my guess.

They had to update the 1Ds first, and I don't see them coming out with a new 5D until the 1Ds III is readily available. Doesn't bother me; I need to get the glass for the camera first, and until then, the 20D will do a fine job.


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
eh I wish I had a 20d or 30d. I've got a 350D, but all my glass is fullframe. So yeah, no point in spending the money to upgrade to just another crop body, but this wait is killing me


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2003
Tampere, Finland
40D will become even more popular than its predecessor. Even though it's not full frame but 1.6x crop. The 5D though might disappear altogether! Canon already has confusing model numbers with the 1D series so I would guess they are planning to release a "40DS" as a successor to the 5D.

How's the availability? Shipping in september or "before christmas"?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2007
40D will become even more popular than its predecessor. Even though it's not full frame but 1.6x crop. The 5D though might disappear altogether! Canon already has confusing model numbers with the 1D series so I would guess they are planning to release a "40DS" as a successor to the 5D.

How's the availability? Shipping in september or "before christmas"?

I doubt the 5D will disappear as there's a lot of interest in full-frame DSLRs and the 1DS is overkill for most people. It makes sense to release the 1DS MKIII first though.

You think the DSLR naming is confusing, look at all the PowerShot models, I can't keep track of them!


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
eh I wish I had a 20d or 30d. I've got a 350D, but all my glass is fullframe. So yeah, no point in spending the money to upgrade to just another crop body, but this wait is killing me
Why? The 40D is a great camera even if it's just as good as the 30D with a larger viewfinder (one of the best new features of the 40D), it does 99 % what the 5D does and -- in some areas -- more. Just go ahead and get the 30D (which should be cheap now) or get the 40D.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I think it just generally takes longer to develop full-frame DSLR's, which is why there's such a big gap between releases.

I think there's a big gap between releases because on the consumer end, if you don't update every 1.5 years, you're "falling behind" regardless of the quality of the photos the camera takes. More MP, more gimmicks for consumers, etc.
On the pro end......what real photographer cares for an 18 month refresh cycle. Just make the next model perfect, and nobody will complain about a 4 year wait. After all, at the very upper levels of camera-dom, it's very difficult to make a camera that's better than the previous top-tier camera.


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
Why? The 40D is a great camera even if it's just as good as the 30D with a larger viewfinder (one of the best new features of the 40D), it does 99 % what the 5D does and -- in some areas -- more. Just go ahead and get the 30D (which should be cheap now) or get the 40D.

the 20d, 30d, and 40d are all 1.6x crop bodies. I want fullframe.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2007
I think it just generally takes longer to develop full-frame DSLR's, which is why there's such a big gap between releases.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm glad there's such a big gap between Canon 1 series and full frame cameras. It takes me that long to save up for one :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Why? The 40D is a great camera even if it's just as good as the 30D with a larger viewfinder (one of the best new features of the 40D), it does 99 % what the 5D does and -- in some areas -- more. Just go ahead and get the 30D (which should be cheap now) or get the 40D.

I somewhat disagree. The 5D and the 20D were available at around the same time, so let's compare those two cameras: the 5D is 12 MP, full frame; the 20D is 8 MP, 1.6 crop factor. So, multiplying by the square of the crop factor, the pixel density of the 20D is equivalent to ~20MP on a full frame sensor.

This means that the 5D's pixels are nearly double the size of the 20D's. This in turn means you have a much greater sensitivity to light, and thus, lower noise. So it's not all that surprising that the 5D produces fantastic images. (Which is the drawcard of the 5D.)

This isn't dissing the 40D, which I'm very impressed by; in fact, I'd be tempted to plonk down the cash if I hadn't already decided to go full frame. Instead, I'm waiting to see what happens with the 5D mark II before making that final commitment; if Canon releases an update that's as much of an update to the 5D as the 40D is to the 20D (I consider the 30D to be a "20D N", in the same way as the 1D mark II/1D mark IIN), full frame will get the nod from me.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2003
Tampere, Finland
I'm waiting to see what happens with the 5D mark II before making that final commitment

I still believe it will be called "40DS" rather than "5D mark II". It would make things simpler for Canon and therefore simpler for us as well. They already have "1D" for crop body and "1DS" for full frame, so "40DS" would be a perfect product name.

But you never know.
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