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Sohaib Najam

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 30, 2014
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone, I am just curious as I have tried searching on the internet and MacRumours as well but always end up with no definitive answer.

Question: Does the AMD R200 or R300 series work with the Mac Pro? I don't really care about boot screen or anything, I just want to know if it will work since I don't want to pay a lot more for Nvidia cards for less performance.

*P.S. I don't use Bootcamp or game on my Mac Pro, just want something to replace the 2600X since it runs so hot, boot screen doesn't matter to me. I don't want to flash anything, so if there any AMD PC Reference cards which work out of the box with OSX is what I want to know.

Thanks for all and any help!
Just realized that I forgot one thing: GCN 1.0 based cards (e.g. 7950, R9 280, etc). will have totally crippled performance in a MacPro 3,1 due to a bug in OS X (yes, even the official 7950 Mac Edition).
To restore the full performance, you'll have to delete the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kexts after every OS X update. Starting with El Capitan this will be a PITA because of rootless...
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