Music will not sync any changes made (Playlists/songs added or deleted) on my Mac or iPad (iOS 9) to my iPhone 5S. Mac & iPad sync fine to each other. If I make a change on my iPhone it will sync to my Mac & iPad. The only way I can get changes made on my Mac and/or iPad to show up on my iPhone is to cut off AM/iCML and cut it back on.
Also iPhone will not download or play any Music file unless I add them directly from the iPhone (for instance a Playlist with Music from my Mac won’t work). It will download/play purchased music fine from a Mac Playlist.
Have tried killing Music, turning AM/iCML on/off and restarting/rebooting iPhone but changes still only send from iPhone but will not receive changes made on Mac or iPad.
I hade the same sync issue when I tried apple music. The biggest reason I went back to spotify. Not sure how widespread of an issue it is but I couldn't find a solution.
I have run into another problem. Deleting Music (freeing up space). Since it will not download the entire Playlist I can't Remove it all at once. Also because of the Settings: General: Storage & iCloud Usage: Manage Storage: Music crashes I have to remove each song individually. Anyone know of another method to free up space and mass delete songs?