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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 3, 2007
I know nothing about programming, and I'm looking to create something pretty simple (I think). I have a book I wrote and was printed as a promotional item for my band. It's a lyrical explanation book for 6 CDs, with photos of the entire history of the band. Is there a simple way, like drag and drop into a set template to create a iPhone app without knowing how to code? It's basically all text, and photos.

I know this is a VERY newbie question, but I'd love to get this out to the app store, as I'm trying to do something unique, and first for the music industry to do this as an iPhone app.

Any tips or pointers on how to create this would be greatly appreciated!
I think Snow Patrol may have beaten you to the punch.. :D

I doubt there is anything out there that lets you do what you want.
I think Snow Patrol may have beaten you to the punch.. :D

I doubt there is anything out there that lets you do what you want.

I know they have an interactive booklet for their CD, what I have is slightly different I think.

I didn't think this was going to be easy. I'm not that lucky. haha
It really depends on what "features" per se that you wanted to have in your book. If it's just a single toolbar at the bottom that controls next and back, then would be relatively simple.

If you wanted more "advanced" features and have cover flow, animation, dynamic adjustable text sizing, etc. then it will be more difficult.

But if you just wanted the simplest book, then you'd use a text file, then divide it into an array of views. The next button puts the next page and the back button removes the current page.
It really depends on what "features" per se that you wanted to have in your book. If it's just a single toolbar at the bottom that controls next and back, then would be relatively simple.

If you wanted more "advanced" features and have cover flow, animation, dynamic adjustable text sizing, etc. then it will be more difficult.

But if you just wanted the simplest book, then you'd use a text file, then divide it into an array of views. The next button puts the next page and the back button removes the current page.

At the moment, I am looking for something more simple like that. Is it just as easy to add in the occasional photo going from page to page?
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