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macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 8, 2005
Really? I thought we'd sorted this error out about a year ago but it seems to be back with a vengeance.

My ATV also seems to struggle when moving from one category (music, movies etc) to another. The menus stop responding and it takes ages to recover or just throws a wobbly and needs restarting. Its almost like its trying to re-index the library each time it moves category.

Very frustrating but not unexpected. Just a shame I couldn't have chosen to not upgrade to the new OS. Woke up this morning and it was on there.

Any ideas if I can do anything about these problems?

Reformat the Apple TV and then re-upgrade it to 3.0 before you set it up in iTunes again.
I need to wipe mine and start over as well. The 3.0 upgrade has made it terribly unstable.
Thank you very much. One last question for you guys:

So I did the factory restore and got everything updated and back sharing again but the movies that I bought on the Apple TV are not showing up and I did go to the option "Check for downloads" to see if that would do it but nothing happens when I do that. I did make sure to add the same iTunes account back on the ATV. I am at a bit of a loss now. Any ideas?
Thank you very much. One last question for you guys:

So I did the factory restore and got everything updated and back sharing again but the movies that I bought on the Apple TV are not showing up and I did go to the option "Check for downloads" to see if that would do it but nothing happens when I do that. I did make sure to add the same iTunes account back on the ATV. I am at a bit of a loss now. Any ideas?

Are they in your iTunes library? The Apple TV automatically syncs your purchased content back to your Mac.
Nope I have the others that are there but it is specifically the ones that I bought from the ATV.

Sounds like you lost them. Did you not sync with iTunes after purchasing the movies? The first thing the Apple TV does when syncing with iTunes is copy your new purchases back to your Mac or PC.
Well I checked back in my email to make sure I did indeed buy these and I did.

Thing is I bought them back in the beginning of October and one in August. My ATV is setup to stream and not sync so I wonder if that's why there is the problem.
Well I checked back in my email to make sure I did indeed buy these and I did.

Thing is I bought them back in the beginning of October and one in August. My ATV is setup to stream and not sync so I wonder if that's why there is the problem.

Yeah that would be the problem. What Mac is it set to sync with, then? It’s been so long since I setup my Apple TV, but I thought it required you to sync it with at least one Mac/PC with every other Mac/PC being steaming.

Either way, sounds like you’ve lost those files. I would contact iTunes support and explain what happened. And you need to re-setup your Apple TV so that you sync to at least one of your computers. You can turn off syncing for every category on the “sync computer,” but if you’re going to purchase content on the Apple TV — you need it to copy it back to iTunes so you can back it up.
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