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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 28, 2010
I've noticed in several reviews for the iPad, that writers make considerable efforts to describe the manner in which the gadget fits into their everyday life. We've all heard terms like "game changer" and "revolutionary" name it. For me, whenever a friend asked me what I thought of the device, I did my best to avoid these types of descriptions...they aren't particularly useful IMHO. So, I've been trying to figure out the best way to relate how the iPad fits into everyday life under everyday conditions. After a little over a month, I have finally figured it out and it's really, really, simple: For the first time in years, I have shut down my MacBook.:eek:

This is something I rarely did. Most of the time, I just put it to sleep, knowing that I would need it several times a day. Not the case any more. It's been off for over a week now...sitting in the corner sulking and waiting to be useful again. It'll be OK though...I have some photos to import and a movie to edit, so I'll be turning it back on soon. But it's interesting to notice that its share of the action reduced by such a degree. At any rate, I though that was an interesting way of measuring the ipad's impact. Thoughts?
For a lot of people just checking email, looking something up on Google or checking twitter etc. are frequent commonplace events. This used to be the domain of the iPhone or Macbook when not at a desktop computer. After using an iPad for a few weeks the iPhone seems too small and cramped and the Macbook too much bother to drag out. The iPad seems to have lent itself nicely to these small commonplace tasks. The iPhone still goes everywhere with me and I wouldn't part with my MBP for anything.
Convenience. It's that one simple yet powerful word which sums it up. When I leave in the morning and take my ipad with me I'm really taking the internet, morning paper, all my books and research material, magazines, all of my pictures, videos, my home and work computers files/information, the list is really endless. It's not like a laptop where its bulky (and I have a macbook air) or where you have to unfold it or worry about battery life.
I just ask them a question in return, Have you ever tried to "comfortable" use a laptop on the couch?
Not that interesting.

I think it is. When I removed web browsing and email from then list of things I do at my pc or with my Droid, those two haven't seen much use since i got my iPad. I've used Quicken on my pc once and now use my Droid to make phone calls... :eek:

The iPad has caused a significant shift in technology usage patterns not seen since the Palm Pilot... :D
I've noticed in several reviews for the iPad, that writers make considerable efforts to describe the manner in which the gadget fits into their everyday life. We've all heard terms like "game changer" and "revolutionary" name it. For me, whenever a friend asked me what I thought of the device, I did my best to avoid these types of descriptions...they aren't particularly useful IMHO. So, I've been trying to figure out the best way to relate how the iPad fits into everyday life under everyday conditions. After a little over a month, I have finally figured it out and it's really, really, simple: For the first time in years, I have shut down my MacBook.:eek:

This is something I rarely did. Most of the time, I just put it to sleep, knowing that I would need it several times a day. Not the case any more. It's been off for over a week now...sitting in the corner sulking and waiting to be useful again. It'll be OK though...I have some photos to import and a movie to edit, so I'll be turning it back on soon. But it's interesting to notice that its share of the action reduced by such a degree. At any rate, I though that was an interesting way of measuring the ipad's impact. Thoughts?

What a riveting post!
You make the case for why Apple should develop the next iPhone OS to not be dependent on machines, but rather optional.

I'm rather fond of my computers, but most people will never make a song w/ garage band, edit home movies w/ iMovie, or enhance photos w/ iPhoto/Aperture/Photoshop. Most people (that is, people that don't hang out in computer forums anxious about latest OS X news) have computers for emailing & web surfing when an iPad would do fine -- and perfect if it didn't depend on a computer for file transfers, updates and backups.
Chupa Chupa said:
... but most people will never make a song w/ garage band, edit home movies w/ iMovie, or enhance photos w/ iPhoto/Aperture/Photoshop. Most people (that is, people that don't hang out in computer forums anxious about latest OS X news) have computers for emailing & web surfing when an iPad would do fine -- and perfect if it didn't depend on a computer for file transfers, updates and backups.

Most? Seems a bit far fetched to me. I think many would but the point is moot in relation to the OP's post.
Most? Seems a bit far fetched to me. I think many would but the point is moot in relation to the OP's post.

So then you think most, i.e., at least 50.1% by definition, edit videos, make garage band songs, and tweak their pictures w/ a photo editing app? Really? I understand my experience is just anecdotal, but in conversations with non-geeks at parties, work, and such I'm always told it's beyond their interest or knowhow.

Even my teenage niece and nephew do not use their computers for anything more than web (mostly facebook), iChat, and other social activities. My nephew did edit a movie w/ iMovie last year for a school project but I had to navigate him the entire way.

Also I don't see how the point is moot in regard to OP's original post since he talks about using the iPad rather than his MB. Point is the iPad is enough computer for most, but it's hard to maintain an iPad w/o a computer. My point is that is reason for Apple to develop the iPad so it can be maintained w/o a computer.
In my opinion I'd say most Mac users will make use of things like Imovie or iPhoto, or even garage band here & there... That's why they are Mac users... Those programs are easy to figure out & fun to use... In my experience Mac users are a more creative expressive group of people who will take advantage of the tools accessible to them....
You make the case for why Apple should develop the next iPhone OS to not be dependent on machines, but rather optional. .
100% agree. I was an iPad hater when it was announced due to the fact that it is not a stand alone device. One touch of the iPad quickly changed my hate into "I must have". I've had mine for about 10 days and have only synced twice but I would love the os to be totally non dependent.
You make the case for why Apple should develop the next iPhone OS to not be dependent on machines, but rather optional.

I'm rather fond of my computers, but most people will never make a song w/ garage band, edit home movies w/ iMovie, or enhance photos w/ iPhoto/Aperture/Photoshop. Most people (that is, people that don't hang out in computer forums anxious about latest OS X news) have computers for emailing & web surfing when an iPad would do fine -- and perfect if it didn't depend on a computer for file transfers, updates and backups.

I agree, most people who get the Best Buy cheapo systems or netbooks only use them for email and web surfing. The iPad is the perfect portable replacement to perform those activities.
First off, I am a developer, and purchased a 64GB 3G just to explore, see how I use it, and to come up with product ideas. So, I come from a different perspective than most. I also had hoped to recommend iPad to my sister, who is a retired teacher who has never owned a computer. Not yet, I'm afraid.

While I am impressed overall and think iPad has a great future and will eventually be able to replace notebook or desktop PCs for many, I don't feel it is there yet.

(Still) primitive email is one of the issues. (I use PostBox on OSX. It's far from the ultimate power-user email client, but it does what I need.) I have my mail sorted into directories on the server, so the fact that it doesn't show me messages waiting in sub-folders is a non-starter. So, I don't use email on my iPad. (It's configured, but I just don't use it.) I use my iPhone for "on the road" access - to send a quick email or check on something important I was expecting - but that's it.

I use the iPad for some casual browsing, but there are too many sites that don't support it well. Unfortunately, my cross-platform password-storage solution (LastPass) doesn't have an iPad version yet, so that rules-out any site that needs a password. (LastPass for iPhone just isn't practical on the iPad, since it uses a built-in browser.) (1Password isn't suitable because I use Linux as well and no 1Password on Linux.)

It's absolutely the best map-browsing platform ever, though. ;) First thing I show visitors to impress them is the Maps app. It really shows-off the advantages of the touch interface. Things that are a pain on a desktop or notebook are intuitively obvious, direct, and easy.

It strikes me that iPad is wonderful for any kind of data that can be presented in a grid format, scrollable or not. It is just so natural for this vs. a mouse and keyboard. I think that iPad may drive future desktop/notebook UI direction, as it's simply a matter of scroll bars vs. direct movement off the page using the "pointing device". Somewhere in the murky history of desktop UIs, somebody decided that scroll bars were the way to go, and there we have it... People get annoyed when their desktop page scrolls away if they hit the edge of the screen, yet it's completely natural on the iPad. I think it's because of the simulated physics - you feel in control. On a desktop, anybody tries something slick like scrolling when you hit the edge of the screen, the user panics "oh, no, where did everything go?!"

The apps have a LONG way to go! As a developer, I understand how little time developers had to bring out iPad apps, and, really, it's amazing what IS out there. The platform has the potential to equal and better a desktop OS, so I do expect serious and complete apps over the next year or so.

Though I haven't bought it, (yet) OmniGraffle looks fantastic to me! This is a total natural for the platform. Yes, it's expensive, but 1/3 the cost of the OSX version. (Despite it's confusing name, OmniGraffle is a "diagramming/charting" program. Think Visio.) I've always found these types of programs a pain in the butt with a mouse/keyboard. But this is exactly the type of problem that a touch interface is perfect for.

As far as incorporating iPad into my daily life, the one thing I use it for heavily is a bit of a surprise - iBooks. I was never tempted by Kindle. I have a LOT of tech books (and do woefully little non-tech reading) and recently have been buying paper/electronic combos. I think now I may drop the paper. I like to lay on the sofa and browse a new book, and then having it on my screen for reference when programming. With iPad, I can do my lay-back browsing. I went back and re-downloaded all of my Pragmatic books in ePub format. I'm pretty happy except for having no correlation with printed-version page numbers. (AND no correlation between portrait and landscape page numbers!) I'm even reading some non-tech books (Malcolm Gladwell, please don't hate... I guess programmers born in 1954 like to read nice things about... programmers born in 1954...) for the first time in a long time. So easy to just grab the book and start reading, rather than waiting for it to arrive and then putting it off.

While I don't have kids, I can can certainly see the appeal for anyone who does. iPad is all you need to keep the kids entertained (and educated and informed) in the car or doing the one thing that every kid hates - waiting. The entertainment apps and websites do have a way to go yet, but Kudos to ABC for pointing the way! Last 5 episodes of every prime-time show - they may have just saved their future with an iPad app. Now - everybody else has to catch-up.

Really, I think task-specific apps are the future. The kind of stuff that people pay $50-200 or so for the notebook/desktop. The kind of apps that do something specific for your widget business or frammitz collection. It's telling that this year's WWDC is ALL about iPhone/iPad apps. Unfortunately, it's going to take 1-2 years for really useful apps to become available. This is how long it takes to develop a really good comprehensive application.

Given the reality that good software takes time, what we have really is amazing. It's a good start and, I think, unstoppable.
I was originally dissapointed by iPad when it was released, dubbed it "large iPhone minus the phone" or "large iPod Touch."
However, after going to the Apple Store a few weeks ago and playing with one for a few minutes, I was quite impressed by its looks and intuitive use.
I currently own a MBP and iPhone 3G, and am considering purchasing an iPad, although I wanted to wait for the second revision.
After reading most of your posts, makes me want to go to the Apple Store right after work and pick one up! (hoping they have one).
UGH!! :D
First off, I am a developer, and purchased a 64GB 3G just to explore, see how I use it, and to come up with product ideas. So, I come from a different perspective than most. I also had hoped to recommend iPad to my sister, who is a retired teacher who has never owned a computer. Not yet, I'm afraid.

While I am impressed overall and think iPad has a great future and will eventually be able to replace notebook or desktop PCs for many, I don't feel it is there yet.

(Still) primitive email is one of the issues. (I use PostBox on OSX. It's far from the ultimate power-user email client, but it does what I need.) I have my mail sorted into directories on the server, so the fact that it doesn't show me messages waiting in sub-folders is a non-starter. So, I don't use email on my iPad. (It's configured, but I just don't use it.) I use my iPhone for "on the road" access - to send a quick email or check on something important I was expecting - but that's it.

I use the iPad for some casual browsing, but there are too many sites that don't support it well. Unfortunately, my cross-platform password-storage solution (LastPass) doesn't have an iPad version yet, so that rules-out any site that needs a password. (LastPass for iPhone just isn't practical on the iPad, since it uses a built-in browser.) (1Password isn't suitable because I use Linux as well and no 1Password on Linux.)

It's absolutely the best map-browsing platform ever, though. ;) First thing I show visitors to impress them is the Maps app. It really shows-off the advantages of the touch interface. Things that are a pain on a desktop or notebook are intuitively obvious, direct, and easy.

It strikes me that iPad is wonderful for any kind of data that can be presented in a grid format, scrollable or not. It is just so natural for this vs. a mouse and keyboard. I think that iPad may drive future desktop/notebook UI direction, as it's simply a matter of scroll bars vs. direct movement off the page using the "pointing device". Somewhere in the murky history of desktop UIs, somebody decided that scroll bars were the way to go, and there we have it... People get annoyed when their desktop page scrolls away if they hit the edge of the screen, yet it's completely natural on the iPad. I think it's because of the simulated physics - you feel in control. On a desktop, anybody tries something slick like scrolling when you hit the edge of the screen, the user panics "oh, no, where did everything go?!"

The apps have a LONG way to go! As a developer, I understand how little time developers had to bring out iPad apps, and, really, it's amazing what IS out there. The platform has the potential to equal and better a desktop OS, so I do expect serious and complete apps over the next year or so.

Though I haven't bought it, (yet) OmniGraffle looks fantastic to me! This is a total natural for the platform. Yes, it's expensive, but 1/3 the cost of the OSX version. (Despite it's confusing name, OmniGraffle is a "diagramming/charting" program. Think Visio.) I've always found these types of programs a pain in the butt with a mouse/keyboard. But this is exactly the type of problem that a touch interface is perfect for.

As far as incorporating iPad into my daily life, the one thing I use it for heavily is a bit of a surprise - iBooks. I was never tempted by Kindle. I have a LOT of tech books (and do woefully little non-tech reading) and recently have been buying paper/electronic combos. I think now I may drop the paper. I like to lay on the sofa and browse a new book, and then having it on my screen for reference when programming. With iPad, I can do my lay-back browsing. I went back and re-downloaded all of my Pragmatic books in ePub format. I'm pretty happy except for having no correlation with printed-version page numbers. (AND no correlation between portrait and landscape page numbers!) I'm even reading some non-tech books (Malcolm Gladwell, please don't hate... I guess programmers born in 1954 like to read nice things about... programmers born in 1954...) for the first time in a long time. So easy to just grab the book and start reading, rather than waiting for it to arrive and then putting it off.

While I don't have kids, I can can certainly see the appeal for anyone who does. iPad is all you need to keep the kids entertained (and educated and informed) in the car or doing the one thing that every kid hates - waiting. The entertainment apps and websites do have a way to go yet, but Kudos to ABC for pointing the way! Last 5 episodes of every prime-time show - they may have just saved their future with an iPad app. Now - everybody else has to catch-up.

Really, I think task-specific apps are the future. The kind of stuff that people pay $50-200 or so for the notebook/desktop. The kind of apps that do something specific for your widget business or frammitz collection. It's telling that this year's WWDC is ALL about iPhone/iPad apps. Unfortunately, it's going to take 1-2 years for really useful apps to become available. This is how long it takes to develop a really good comprehensive application.

Given the reality that good software takes time, what we have really is amazing. It's a good start and, I think, unstoppable.

AWESOME write up, and thanks for taking the time to do so.

Im from the UK and hope to pick my iPad up a week tomorrow, but THANK YOU for your input. Probably one of the most constructive posts Ive read on this forum.

Given the reality that good software takes time, what we have really is amazing. It's a good start and, I think, unstoppable.

Thank you for a great post. I agree with your views and I also believe that the iPad will only show its true potential over time, as its capabilities and the quality of available s/w are further developed. Still, what we have now already shows a great promise.
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