Okay, think about it...really think about it. Now think some more. How on earth are you supposed to control the toon properly? On your keyboard you can control, sidestep, forward, back, turn left, right, jump (that's with your left hand). And on your right you simultaneously control the view, the click, the right click and zoom. Then you'd have to press the bloody spells with what every digits you have free. How are you even supposed to see what's happening on the screen?
I think when you installed LK, they sort of consolidated all the files and if you selected the wrong folder, you will actually end up having the old pre-LK (pre 3.0) game files, and then the new LK stuff inside that folder, making it twice as big.
Ok..first...I played D&D back before they added an A to it (early 80's) and, yeah, mostly guys...but before it got the "NERD ALERT" logo there were quite a few girls playing too. I remember the first Judges Guild map I played had a 15 year-old female DM. For some reason I remember a lot of partying (adult beverages and natural herbs) going on when I played...Hmm...guess we were 'proto-nerds' and displayed characteristics of both normal people and geeks
WOW would have to be revamped (control & graphics) but there are several online / standalone games that are just fine in the graphics department as far as color and detail. The controls would have to be redone but, as someone said, it's not insurmountable.
Why would WOW or any ORGP be a good fit? Oh man...it would kick the poo out of any handheld (DSi, PSP, Touch). Matter of fact, Nintendo has just come out with the DSi XL (larger DS) to compete with the Touch (and the PSP..I guess). I have used all three (regular DSi) and could see how the iPad would be a much better handheld gaming experience. The screen real estate. The processor. The internal memory. Are all an order of magnitude better than the closest competitor. Add to that the fully funcional wireless and/or 3g that comes with it. Yeah, cost is higher..but the 'added feature set' is just another reason to justify owning one (or for Mom and Dad to convice them to purchase one for their kids). "Gee Mommy, if I had one I would get better grades cause I can use it to do porn..er...research on the internet."
Someone will come up with an MM-ORPG for it...I have no doubt. Mainly because we already have micro-ORPG's already. Just a matter of scaling them up.