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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
After various supply issues with Amazon, and them not being able to replace my faulty Note II, I have finally settled with the Google Nexus 4. It's an utterly brilliant phone, and has convinced me Apple need to seriously overhaul iOS before I consider another mobile phone with them. Also, they may want to bring over HD Widgets and SwiftKey while they're at it.

Onto the point of this thread... allow me to vent my first world problems. As if using OSX at home and Windows at work didn't present enough compatibility issues, I have now entered the mix of Android for mobile and iOS for tablets.

Given that I use Google for almost all of my cloud (*cringe*) storage needs, they have already alleviated lots of potential issues. That is, they host my e-mail on both devices (GMail app), sync my relevant calendars (integrates into iOS calendars), photographs (I usually just browse Picasa or access via Drive) and documents (Drive app)..

But there a few things they don't do:
  1. Reminders (iOS Reminders)
  2. Notes (iOS Notes application and Day One)
  3. Passwords
Can anyone recommend any applications to cover the three items above? If I can successfully manage e-mail, calendars, photographs, documents, reminders (not critical), notes and passwords on both devices; that would be a major win. Also, I'm reluctant to join any more cloud storage companies. I have a DropBox account but don't use it, and unfortunately have to use iCloud with Day One (no Google Drive :( ).
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For passwords, try KeePass. There are clients available for all platforms. I keep the master file on Google Drive so I can access it from any device.

Can't help with the others I'm afraid!!
Google Calendar
Springpad (though Evernote has an actual Mac app, Springpad can login with your Google account)
Roboform Everywhere (native app for all platforms)
I wish I could help with the reminders but I've been looking for an acceptable alternative on Android too. Google calendar just doesn't cut it for me at this time.

On the Notes front I have abandoned iOS notes for Evernote - it goes across all major platforms, iOS, Android, OSX and Windows as well as web. I can't say enough good about it. You should at least try it. Lots of add-ons from 3rd parties you may like too. Free notes in the cloud on mobile but you can pay for premium and download your notes offline ($45/year) account wide. Premium also gives you more features which I think makes it a good deal too.
You might want to quickly take a look at 1Password. It's top rated, but pretty pricey. It's on sale right now, and probably won't stay that way for much longer -- I was surprised to see it still in effect. It's an app I wouldn't want to be without.
They have a free Android app (read only).

-- Sorry -- sale ended this morning.
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