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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 15, 2010

Was just on the last world trying to get 3 stars in every level, done about 95% of it.....then my phone froze!!! had to restart the phone by holding the home button and the lock button.........

That sorted the phone out but now angry birds wont even load up!! Everything else works fine!! I;ve tried switching it off and on again a few times....closing the app on the multitask thingy as well just in case, but no luck.

Anyone have a solution??? Don't really wanna delete it and reinstall it as will cost me another 59p which aint the main issue.....i just dont wanna start the whole thing again!!! Dont wanna lose my save anyway i can reclaim this without losing my save game?? Let us know if poss!!

Was just on the last world trying to get 3 starts in every level, done about 95% of it.....then my phone froze!!! had to restart the phone by holding the home button and the lock button.........

That sorted the phone out but now angry birds wont even load up!! Everything else works fine!! I;ve tried switching it off and on again a few times....closing the app on the multitask thingy as well just in case, but no luck.

Anyone have a solution??? Don't really wanna delete it and reinstall it as will cost me another 59p which aint the main issue.....i just dont wanna start the whole thing again!!! Dont wanna lose my save anyway i can reclaim this without losing my save game?? Let us know if poss!!

if you were to delete and reinstall it wont charge you again as app store recognizes you have already paid for it and downloads it again for free. Happened on a few apps I paid for with me
if you were to delete and reinstall it wont charge you again as app store recognizes you have already paid for it and downloads it again for free. Happened on a few apps I paid for with me

ok but i'll lose my save game wont i??
There are 2 ways to restore from backup, both equally valid. You can either right click the iPhone under Devices in the iTunes sidebar and choose "Restore from Backup" and choose from the backup(s) available or do a standard restore and afterward when presented with the options to set up as new or restore from backup, choose the latter.
There are 2 ways to restore from backup, both equally valid. You can either right click the iPhone under Devices in the iTunes sidebar and choose "Restore from Backup" and choose from the backup(s) available or do a standard restore and afterward when presented with the options to set up as new or restore from backup, choose the latter.

cheers will try that when i get home :)
ok but i'll lose my save game wont i??

Yes you'll lose your progress on the game. When you delete an app, the iPhone firmware deletes all the app data.

is that just the restore button u mean? (sorry quite new to iphones :eek: )

This will also revert your game progress to the backup date...

A similar thing happened to me a couple months ago and even if I'm a big fan of the game I lost interest after losing the progress (I had all three stars on all the levels of the first two "episodes" :mad:
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