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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
Does anyone else notice that Angry Birds I lags. I have an iPhone 4 and I updated it to 4.1 but it was lagging before that. I remember angry birds being snappier but now it lags from time to time. Anyone else experiencing this?
I also experience this "occasionally" with my iPhone 3GS. It's very slight though.
Mine is doing this also and i'm wondering if it has to do with bite sms.. Anyone else have that with problems?
Lagging Angry Birds is why I took my phone to a Genius (pre-4.1). She gave me the advice to close all my Recently Used Applications and turn off/on the phone nightly. That worked but now that I've completed all levels it still has a bit of a stutter on the start animation with 4.1. (And I'm so glad they fixed the blue birds.)
It lagged on my 3G, bigtime, but it's not the app itself. Ever since I did the update, the phone is lagging. I now have the 4 and there is absolutely no lag at all on Angry Birds! Once in a while my Words With Friends takes a looong time to update, but that's about it. clear our your history, cache, and cookies, do a restart, and that might help. :)
Delete the app and forget it, it just takes over your life! I wish i'd never started obsessing about 3 stars on every level but i'm up to date at the minute thankfully. That games makes me CRAZY!
I used to like playing Angry Birds. The lack of retina display is taking over. It's been 2 or 3 months now and they had at least 4 updates and no retina? It's not like they could have just changed the icon or made new levels retina like Doodle Jump. **** Angry Birds.
I used to like playing Angry Birds. The lack of retina display is taking over. It's been 2 or 3 months now and they had at least 4 updates and no retina? It's not like they could have just changed the icon or made new levels retina like Doodle Jump. **** Angry Birds.
Yeah I've stopped playing until support for the Retina Display is added. Right now it's just ugly.
Try killing a few apps from the multi-task bar. Doodle Jump got a bit jerky on me last week and doing this seemed to fix it.
the first 5 or 6 new levels were very jerky on my 3gs too.

Also the new levels are very uninspiring. looks like they were just rushed out.
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