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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2006
hello all, have no clue how to make a movie with digital pics. i have like 3000 pics which are made up of many small clips. they are all still frames, but moved quickly-get animated. in which program i can animate them? can this be done directly, I mean not having to deal with importing... etc.
someone give some idea how or what to do.
thanksssss, maria from far argentina


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
A small list of programs that do stop-motion animation...

Anasazi Stop Motion Animator
AnimAide XT (Mac only)
MonkeyJam (currently in Beta test)
Trickfilm Cam
Framethief (mac only)
Frameworks (Linux)
Stop Motion Pro
iStopMotion (Mac only)
JPGvideo (for digital still cameras)
Stop MotionMaker
Stopmotion (Linux)

But then there is also Motion, FCP, Imageready... you can even use QuickTime Pro to open a picture sequence.

How much do you want to animate the images? Do you just want them to play in an order?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2006
digital pics animation

only have FCP. which of all the many you name would recomend me the most?
what i want for now is basic, one next to the other, quickly, less than a second- and to create a small movie.
what resolution you recommend for this?
I'm really lost, so anything is welcomed and helps


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
FCP is perfect...

first go to Final Cut Pro<User preferences and then select the 2nd tab from the left(I dont know what it is english) and set the standard picture duration to 1 frame (00:00:00:01)

Now you can import the folder containing the images file<import<folder

Open that folder in your Browser, select all, and then drag them into your timeline

voila, your done

The size and resolution depend on what you want to do with the film, do you want it on the web, or to show on a tv, or on a computer?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2003
London, England
Hi Maria,

you can do this in Quicktime Pro, if you open QT then in the file menu select 'Open image sequence' select the first image in the sequence, then select your frame rate.

Your images will have to be have to numbered consecutively i.e. frame_001.jpg frame_002.jpg etc... & it is best to get them to the right size first.

alternatively you could drag all the images into FCP then put them one by one on the time line, although this is the long way round you can individually resize & position each frame.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
evil_santa said:
alternatively you could drag all the images into FCP then put them one by one on the time line, although this is the long way round you can individually resize & position each frame.

you don't have to do each frame individually, look at my previous post ;)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2003
London, England
What I meant is that you can do it this way if you need to move frames about individualy. Say for example the images were drawn on paper and then scaned into the computer, but you need to align each shot to make them flow. Or if it is not a numbered sequance, & you want to re order the images.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 8, 2002
The Bamboo Forest
If you just want a rapid slide show...

Load them all into iPhoto, make a slideshow with 1 second transitions, export to a quicktime movie, load into iMovie, speed up the movie so your transitions are shorter.

That's the easiest way I know to do it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2006
thanks all of you. I´ll try what i got from you all.
tell you later. It´s real fun having movies made with just a digital camera.
anyone can recomend me what resolution to use?
it´s not for the web, want an ok. quality.
any other observation or comment about how to do this?


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
floating99 said:
it´s not for the web, want an ok. quality.

I hate to be annoying but thats just not enough info...

if you want to show it on a tv/dvd then we need to know what part of the world your in (i.e. NTSC or PAL)

if you want to show it to your friends with a beamer then we would need its resolution

if you want to view it on your iPod then there are only a set of resolutions and filetypes you can use

we also need to know the aspect ratio of your picture because you will most likely need to crop or letterbox them

if you happen to have an iTV then you could tell us if it can handle HDV 1080i60

but here goes anyways... try h.264 with a resolution of 640 x 480, that will play on your iPod and is good enough a resolution that you can view it on your computer monitor.


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2004
Light Video (250 Photos)

Here is an animation I shoot with help with some friends with LED lights and glow sticks. HERE



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2006
nice video. thanks for posting it.
i know im not specific, sorry about that. Im not pro, and just experimenting.
it helps me to see examples of animated videos and people telling tips about how to do it.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2003
London, England
For Size, I would go with a standard PAL setting (I think thats what Argentina uses),

here is a short film a friend of mine made Sauza with a digital camera.

and here is the film La Jetee This is a film shot as still images, it was also the inspiration for 12 Monkeys
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