hannielebed - you first need to decide on the style of animation you want, you won't get far until you've figured this out.
Do you want:
illustrative, ie comic book, manga/anime, us cartoons (think disney) - yes I know anime/us cartoons are both technically similar but I class them as different due to artistic styles.
3d style, ie pixar and avatar type films,
And there's also the option that combines the two where you use 3d models but then render them in a style that is more illustrated, anime uses this process a fair bit and can be seen in things like appleseed and ghost in the shell.
However this is the bit that worries me the most - " I can draw or use tech but not proficient enough to create a full sized animation." and "someone who is creative but lacking in technical skill."
Animation is not easy and it's very rare that the software available is something you will get to grips with overnight (I've been doing 3D cad, including animation, for around 10 years and I'm still learning new techniques). Even the easiest software can take months to master to a basic degree.
It's a bit like me saying because I can write I can write a story or a novel, realistically I can't as it's a lot more complex than stringing a few lines of words together.