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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
Happy New Year!

So i bought a canon S3 IS back in august '06. love it. snapped some great pics.

but i'm noticing something that i noticed on my canon 410 - a tiny, looks like 1, RED pixel in most of my pictures? it seems to be consistently around the same location in each photograph, but not exactly in the same spot. i moved the pics around on my computer to see if it was maybe a dead pixel on my pc monitor, but it's not (i know...i know...i should be connecting straight to my mac, but i use my macs for business so they are usually running..therefore, i use the pc... ick :)

any ideas?



Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
Could be something such as dust or something like that on your lenses (inner lenses most likely) or something like dirt on your CMOS sensor ? It is possible that you have a bad photo sensor, but I am not sure what you can do about it :confused:

Is the camera still under warranty ? The S3 hasn't been in production that long yet.

It is under Canon's one year warranty.. I would check and see if you can get it honored!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 30, 2006
I have the same on my Canon S60 - one pixel that appears red in all pics. It's probably a dead pixel in the sensor. Apparently they are fairly common, and one pixel is not really noticable unless you are really zooming on an image, in which case you can use the heal tool in Photoshop.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
I have the same on my Canon S60 - one pixel that appears red in all pics. It's probably a dead pixel in the sensor. Apparently they are fairly common, and one pixel is not really noticable unless you are really zooming on an image, in which case you can use the heal tool in Photoshop.

thanks. i'm finding that it's intermittent and usually appears on darker pictures. weird, but you are right....a quick psd fix and it's gone. as long as i don't see other ones :)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2004
Essex, U.K.
I've got a few on my D50, although anoying its normal and common.

Its more likely to appear on long exposures at high ISOs, try some fast shots with the lens cap on and look at the image.

If its always there its a sensor fault, if it only appears somtimes its just a "Hot pixel" an over-senstive spot on the sensor.



macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2007
I've got a few on my D50, although anoying its normal and common.

Its more likely to appear on long exposures at high ISOs, try some fast shots with the lens cap on and look at the image.

If its always there its a sensor fault, if it only appears somtimes its just a "Hot pixel" an over-senstive spot on the sensor.


Yeah exactly, night pictures = higher sensitivities = more likely to see "hot" pixels (different than dead pixels.) This is becoming increasingly common as point and shoot cameras try to cram millions of pixels into TINY spaces, DSLR sensors are less concentrated due to a larger sensor (dimensionally.)
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