Hi All,
Since upgrading to IOS8, I now get an alert pop up in the middle of the screen every time I get a voicemail. It says "Voicemail - Call 101 you have 1 new Voice message." The problem is that there is no cancel or hide button, so the only way to get rid of it is to keep hitting the back button until you get to the homescreen, then once more to make it disappear. This is really annoying if I am half way though a text or email.
I still get a message from messagebank to tell me the same thing
I am using a 5S, running IOS8.1, and with Telstra in Australia.
If someone could tell me how to get rid of this alert it would be hugely appreciated
Since upgrading to IOS8, I now get an alert pop up in the middle of the screen every time I get a voicemail. It says "Voicemail - Call 101 you have 1 new Voice message." The problem is that there is no cancel or hide button, so the only way to get rid of it is to keep hitting the back button until you get to the homescreen, then once more to make it disappear. This is really annoying if I am half way though a text or email.
I still get a message from messagebank to tell me the same thing
I am using a 5S, running IOS8.1, and with Telstra in Australia.
If someone could tell me how to get rid of this alert it would be hugely appreciated