I have had an annoying problem on my iphone X that i've had for 2 months now. The weather widget does not update weather at all after like an hour of the phone being on. If i tap on the weather widget it will open the weather app and shows the correct updated weather temp after a second. but widget stays outdated. If i reboot the iphone x, it updates normally for about an hour and then stops updating unless i reboot the phone. It will even stay outdated for days unless i reboot. this ALSO seems to affect weather info on my apple watch series 1. If the weather widget on phone is outdated, my weather info on apple watch is also outdated. If i reboot my phone to make widget update temporarily, then my apple watch updates weather correctly as well. Weather widget has access to background refresh and location services so its not that.
what else should i try?
what else should i try?