I know this is not the first post about this issue, I just can't seem to find a fix for this or why it keeps happening. Once again out of the blue last night, this is now the second external hard drive that suddenly changed to "read only" in less than 2 years.
These are Mac ready WD external hard drives, not NTFS/Windows, FAT, EX FAT formatted drives. Also not the portable ones that simply gain power from the computers USB only. These are powered into an electrical socket. (Not sure if this matters?)
First time this happened was Nov. 2015 on a 2TB Western Digital drive (pop up error of "cannot repair 2TB" showed up), even though I could still access the files on that drive, I immediately went out that day and bought a 4TB drive, backed up a ton of files from that 2TB drive just in case. As of today, this older 2TB drive still works..it's still a "read only" drive.
Last night this 21 month old Western Digital 4TB suddenly became a "read only" hard drive also. The little pop up box appeared (OSX can't repair 4TB). Again, I still see the files on this 4TB drive..nothing is lost thankfully. I've been in the long process of backing THIS one up to a cloud service, and other files to yet another emergency external HD I got for Xmas 2 years ago. (I ONLY use this spare as a backup, time machine. I unplug it and it's stored away.)
I tried the Disk Utility - First Aid in El Capitan, which personally I do not like compared to the older Disk Utility on previous OS Xs. Disk Warrior and even Paragon for Mac OS X with no luck. I unplugged it and hooked it up on a Mac using older Yosemite Disc Utility, the "Verify/Repair Permissions" is not an option, it's grayed out
It looks like the file system on these just seem to change from "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" to "Mac OS Extended" Why, I have no idea. It says this drive was "modified at 6:24 (Aug 27)," I didn't modify this drive, I was working on photos in Lightroom/Photoshop and may have saved pictures to that drive around that time. That's the only thing I can think of when it comes to "modifying."
Anyway, the question is..and I apologize if it's been asked numerous times in the past - Is there a way to change these permissions back to Read, Write? I've seen answers on other forums about changing permissions using Terminal. "Sudo" codes, not sure if i trust these.
Or do I have to just reformat the darn drives and start from scratch. At this point, the older 2TB drive..I have no problem doing this. Lot of older files on there I backed up already...probably a lot of files here I wont even miss when I wipe it clean.
This is beyond frustrating - but like I said, I'm glad right now I can see the files...I can access them back them up.
I've searched all over - forums, Apple Discussions, YouTube videos that go back to 2008 when it comes to this "Read Only" change. A lot of the issues seem to be people have Windows NT file systems on these drives. It shows the solution. Not many quick solutions about MAC OS file systems becoming read only's Seems to be a popular problem.
These are Mac ready WD external hard drives, not NTFS/Windows, FAT, EX FAT formatted drives. Also not the portable ones that simply gain power from the computers USB only. These are powered into an electrical socket. (Not sure if this matters?)
First time this happened was Nov. 2015 on a 2TB Western Digital drive (pop up error of "cannot repair 2TB" showed up), even though I could still access the files on that drive, I immediately went out that day and bought a 4TB drive, backed up a ton of files from that 2TB drive just in case. As of today, this older 2TB drive still works..it's still a "read only" drive.
Last night this 21 month old Western Digital 4TB suddenly became a "read only" hard drive also. The little pop up box appeared (OSX can't repair 4TB). Again, I still see the files on this 4TB drive..nothing is lost thankfully. I've been in the long process of backing THIS one up to a cloud service, and other files to yet another emergency external HD I got for Xmas 2 years ago. (I ONLY use this spare as a backup, time machine. I unplug it and it's stored away.)
I tried the Disk Utility - First Aid in El Capitan, which personally I do not like compared to the older Disk Utility on previous OS Xs. Disk Warrior and even Paragon for Mac OS X with no luck. I unplugged it and hooked it up on a Mac using older Yosemite Disc Utility, the "Verify/Repair Permissions" is not an option, it's grayed out
It looks like the file system on these just seem to change from "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" to "Mac OS Extended" Why, I have no idea. It says this drive was "modified at 6:24 (Aug 27)," I didn't modify this drive, I was working on photos in Lightroom/Photoshop and may have saved pictures to that drive around that time. That's the only thing I can think of when it comes to "modifying."
Anyway, the question is..and I apologize if it's been asked numerous times in the past - Is there a way to change these permissions back to Read, Write? I've seen answers on other forums about changing permissions using Terminal. "Sudo" codes, not sure if i trust these.
Or do I have to just reformat the darn drives and start from scratch. At this point, the older 2TB drive..I have no problem doing this. Lot of older files on there I backed up already...probably a lot of files here I wont even miss when I wipe it clean.
This is beyond frustrating - but like I said, I'm glad right now I can see the files...I can access them back them up.
I've searched all over - forums, Apple Discussions, YouTube videos that go back to 2008 when it comes to this "Read Only" change. A lot of the issues seem to be people have Windows NT file systems on these drives. It shows the solution. Not many quick solutions about MAC OS file systems becoming read only's Seems to be a popular problem.