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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 28, 2008
Dubai x Toronto
Hey guys!

I've been lurking and posting on this forum for the last month or so. I attempted a switch to the Macworld back in January but returned my MacBook due to being in the middle of a school semester and waiting and waiting for a revision.
However, today the waiting game ended for me as I bit the bullet on a 20" 2.66ghz iMac. I felt that since the iMac has recently been updated I won't be disappointed at WWDC (at least I don't think, if so I will have to see my options come Monday).

Anyways I haven't had much chance to play around with the iMac because I was busy today but first impressions are great, but it will definitely take a lot of getting used to. I didn't find the computer to be as fast as I thought (any tips? i just used a few applications like safari, garage band, and iphoto...none at the same time but found it took a little long to load, etc) but I'm sure once I play around with it more tomorrow and adjust to the OS I know I will fall in love!

Please if you guys have any tips please let me know!
I will post back with any updates/questions/or concerns.

In Canada are they offering the school special where you get a free iPod Touch with the purchase of your iMac? I was able to get a Touch for my son the other day with our iMac purchase.
Don't restart/shut down your machine often. Let it sleep, then when you wake you don't have to load everything again (when starting up applications etc).

It could be that Spotlight is indexing your HD. Open Activity Monitor and see if anything's eating CPU/RAM.

Oh, and welcome aboard ;)
In Canada are they offering the school special where you get a free iPod Touch with the purchase of your iMac? I was able to get a Touch for my son the other day with our iMac purchase.


Canada is indeed offering the iPod Touch deal. Just take in the box + recepit they will do a repurchase for you and you have to mail in the UPC labels and forms for the rebate (unlike the states where its online from what I've heard).

Morod said:
For speed, add RAM. How much do you have?

I have the stock 2GB ram. Was thinking of using it at 2GB to see if I needed more before I max it out.

AppleMatt said:
Don't restart/shut down your machine often. Let it sleep, then when you wake you don't have to load everything again (when starting up applications etc).


Thanks for the tip and i'll keep that in mind. I see what you mean that it won't have to load everything. I probably won't turn it off very often, but sleep sounds like a good idea.

Southernboy said:
It could be that Spotlight is indexing your HD. Open Activity Monitor and see if anything's eating CPU/RAM.

Oh, and welcome aboard :)

Thanks I will check Activity Monitor tonight.

Thanks for the replies and I can't wait to get off work and go mess around with my iMac!
hey guys.
just me checking in and updating on my first mac experience!

well i've read a lot about the 20" vs. 24" screens... well for one i am not a professional of any sort (music, photography, etc).

i am just into basic e-mails, chatting, browsing, and fun with photoshop or imovie if i have time.

to be honest i haven't even noticed a single problem with my current iMac. I love love love it! to be honest i had the cash to go for a 24" but for me it was just too big! this 20" seems huge too compared to the 19" ive been using for the last few months.

i actually love the glossy screen and the colors seem okay for me. maybe im just a noob and have no idea what im doing but it is great for what i do.

thanks for all the input and ill check back.

love my first mac!

the only thing i have an issue with is the MSN for mac...i've tried adium and amsn but they are a no go for me. i will come around that. you have any recommendations on programs to convert divx/avi into formats that are acceptable for itunes so i can load movies/tv shows and play them through front row (I LOVE FRONT ROW BTW!!!)

thanks again!!! you have any recommendations on programs to convert divx/avi into formats that are acceptable for itunes so i can load movies/tv shows and play them through front row (I LOVE FRONT ROW BTW!!!)

Front Row can play .avi and divx files.

When you go into front row/movies click movies folder and that should have all your .avi or divx files.

This is all assuming you keep your videos on the proper folder titled Movies.

but yes, Front Row DOES play .avi, divx, and .MOV... there are more probably but these are the files ive also used (along with my MPEG's)
Front Row can play .avi and divx files.

When you go into front row/movies click movies folder and that should have all your .avi or divx files.

This is all assuming you keep your videos on the proper folder titled Movies.

but yes, Front Row DOES play .avi, divx, and .MOV... there are more probably but these are the files ive also used (along with my MPEG's)

I believe that to play .avi and .divx movies in front row, you not only have to store them, or "aliases" (shortcuts) to them in the movies folder, but also have to install the Perian codec package. Google search "Perian" and it should be the first result.

To create an alias in the movies folder, open it, and drag the movie into it while holding command and option. Alternatively, right click the file, select "create alias" and drag the alias into /users/username/movies.
I believe that to play .avi and .divx movies in front row, you not only have to store them, or "aliases" (shortcuts) to them in the movies folder, but also have to install the Perian codec package. Google search "Perian" and it should be the first result.

To create an alias in the movies folder, open it, and drag the movie into it while holding command and option. Alternatively, right click the file, select "create alias" and drag the alias into /users/username/movies.

That all sounds much more complicated than what I did.

I simply dragged my movies from my external that was used for my PC (now for time machine) and moved them into my movies folder.. I never installed a Perian codec or had to alias anything...

mine work fine for me without the extra shiz.
That all sounds much more complicated than what I did.

I simply dragged my movies from my external that was used for my PC (now for time machine) and moved them into my movies folder.. I never installed a Perian codec or had to alias anything...

mine work fine for me without the extra shiz.

The advantage of putting aliases in the movies folder instead of moving the files is that it allows you to stream video from the external drive. For example, if all of your content was downloaded to the external drive, each time you want to watch a new video, you have to move it over.

Alternatively, the simplest solution is to move an alias of the folder on the external drive where the movies are stored into your movies folder. That way you can navigate to to external drive within front row!

It will play .mov files fine...but unless something has changed recently that I'm not aware of, you need 3rd party codecs, such as those provided by Perian, to play xvid, .avi and divx.

I can vouch that DivX/XviD play in Front Row without installing Perian. I've only had my iMac five days, have not installed Perian (but have installed VLC Player). I press the menu button on my remote, Front Row is called up and I see the contents of my download directory (an alias pointing to it I mean), and I can play the videos.



[edit: when pausing and viewing the interface of the video, it becomes apparent that the program within Front Row is Video Lan (VLC player). I had previously changed the program that would open such files when manually loading VLC, but it is a surprise to me that it can be controlled by the remote. For interest's sake, it is the June 6/08 release of VLC]
I can vouch that DivX/XviD play in Front Row without installing Perian. I've only had my iMac five days, have not installed Perian (but have installed VLC Player). I press the menu button on my remote, Front Row is called up and I see the contents of my download directory (an alias pointing to it I mean), and I can play the videos.



[edit: when pausing and viewing the interface of the video, it becomes apparent that the program within Front Row is Video Lan (VLC player). I had previously changed the program that would open such files when manually loading VLC, but it is a surprise to me that it can be controlled by the remote. For interest's sake, it is the June 6/08 release of VLC]

thanks for the info.
the note in the edit seems really helpful which ill have to test out as soon as i get home. i use VLC to view my downloaded shows. it would be amazing to not have to go into front row and use the remote to control VLC. i'll make sure i have downloaded the latest version.
thanks again and i'm loving my imac (except for the mighty mouse which i replaced - seems like i upgraded to wireless package for no reason ): since i want a wired keyboard too and have 2 wireless keyboards).
How are you finding your experience with the iMac now that 2 weeks have passed? Still loving it? BTW I'm reading as many iMac related threads as I can in preparation for buying one next month (1st Mac). Is this your first Mac? If so, where (if anywhere) did you look for advice/help/tips, such as threads here, websites etc etc?
Have fun!
How are you finding your experience with the iMac now that 2 weeks have passed? Still loving it? BTW I'm reading as many iMac related threads as I can in preparation for buying one next month (1st Mac). Is this your first Mac? If so, where (if anywhere) did you look for advice/help/tips, such as threads here, websites etc etc?
Have fun!

Hey. So far I am loving my experience with my iMac (minus the wireless issues). I waited about 6 months to find the right machine for me to make the switch - really wanted a macbook, but there is too many features I'm not happy about - and I don't regret it at all. I'm excited for you getting your Mac. It is indeed my first Mac although I tried a Macbook for 2 weeks in January. Basically I did everything you are doing, researching this forum, for all my advice/help/tips. I seriously find macrumors to be the best Mac forum out there. I will give you more information when I have more time.

Now I have another question for any other iMac users:- I got the 320GB HDD iMac but I only have 274.53GB free. I came from a 100GB HDD on my laptop and I had 40-50GB free!!!. So I was wondering if Leopard really takes up that much space - is there anything I can remove to make more HDD?!
So far I haven't even imported most of my old files. I have only added:
- 850mb worth of pictures...more to come
- Adobe CS3 (Photoshop CS3)
- Transmission
- MSN Messenger: Mac
- 4 TV shows (each about 350MB) + 4 Songs

I would like to add the following:
- iTunes library (about 2-3GB)
- TV shows (about 4-5GB)
- Microsoft Office 2008: Mac
- Other backed up files (1-2GB)
- Partition hard drive for XP using either Parallels or Bootcamp

I really don't know how all that space is getting used. I understand even though it says 320GB, I would get less because of the OS, but already down 50GB? Just hope to know how I could have as much HDD space available as possible because I may start storing everything on my iMac.

Sorry if I'm missing something and Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
You will get 298 gb out of 320 billion bytes if my quick math was correct. You're not loosing 50 gb, trust me on this. You can check yourself.

1024 bytes = 1 kbyte
1024 kbytes = 1 mbyte
1024 mbytes = 1 gbyte

You will get 298 gb out of 320 billion bytes if my quick math was correct. You're not loosing 50 gb, trust me on this. You can check yourself.

1024 bytes = 1 kbyte
1024 kbytes = 1 mbyte
1024 mbytes = 1 gbyte


yeah i figured 298gb and i know the conversion for bytes, mbytes, gbytes, thanks.
i was just surprised at how much space was used up already esp since i havn't added much.
oh well still plentiful for me. was just curious if there were languages or extra things i didn't need to save space.
if you downloaded MSN messenger you should get rid of it and try adium. adium will put all your accounts in one, including AIM, MSN, hotmail, all of them. and you can download plugins and scripts to do great tasks, some of the tasks include sending the same message to all windows (like brb, or gtg) and you can get scripts to do some stuff like inserting a chuck norris joke or something. its useful
I'm by no means an expert in this matter, but to give a very brief explanation, the advertised capacity and real capacity of HDD's is different.

Advertised = 320GB = 320,000,000,000 bytes

In reality, a kilobyte is approx. 1024 bytes (not 1000), and a megabyte is 1024 kilobytes (not 1000), and so on.


in reality there are 1024x1024x1024 = 1,073,741,824 bytes per GB.

320,000,000,000 / 1,073,741,824 = 298 GB

So the actual formatted capacity of your disk is approx 298 GB.

274 GB free means that you've used 23.47 GB, which sounds about right. Language localizations, printer drivers and garage band all take several gigabytes of space. If you want to free up some space, customize your installation of leopard and only install the languages and drivers you need.
if you downloaded MSN messenger you should get rid of it and try adium. adium will put all your accounts in one, including AIM, MSN, hotmail, all of them. and you can download plugins and scripts to do great tasks, some of the tasks include sending the same message to all windows (like brb, or gtg) and you can get scripts to do some stuff like inserting a chuck norris joke or something. its useful

I know you didn't post that for me, but thank you very much, I just looked at the adium site, and this is definitely something I will get once I have my Mac.
yeah i figured 298gb and i know the conversion for bytes, mbytes, gbytes, thanks.
i was just surprised at how much space was used up already esp since i havn't added much.
oh well still plentiful for me. was just curious if there were languages or extra things i didn't need to save space.

Yeah, you can go into (uh forgive me if I am wrong on this but I've only had my iMac 12 days) hard drive/user/library/printers. Delete the drivers from every manufacturer but yours, if you have one. This will save you about a gig.

hope this helps a bit

I know you didn't post that for me, but thank you very much, I just looked at the adium site, and this is definitely something I will get once I have my Mac.

yeah, its very useful. especially if you have a MSN messenger account because then you dont have to deal with two windows, and whenever you click on a buddy that has a certain account it uses the right one, and if a buddy has a MSN and a AIM account it puts them as the same contact, and you can also pick which one you IM when you click their name
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