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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2009
This is my first post so I hope it's in the right spot!
Alright, here is my dilemna;

My phone is;

8G iPhone 3G version 3.0.1
Modem firmware version 04.26.08
Carrier: Softbank
Bought and started contract here in Japan.

I added the Skype app and get the following message;
"Skype calls over 3G networks are currently not allowed due to contractual restrictions. For more information, see"

Now, when I am fortunate anough to get a wi-fi signal i can use skype but it is hard to find one where i am. Could someone tell me if there is a fairly simple way to be able to use the skype with 3G? (I have excellent reception with the 3G)
Thanks in advance for the assistance. Also, could the direction be "idiot proof" LOL I am a noob when it comes to any of this stuff.
Like the first poster said, Skype for the iPhone is only over Wi-Fi because of AT&T's cellular network restrictions. There is no way to change this at the time being.
Damn! LOL Does anyone reccomend another type of program that I could use to call home (the States) without costing an arm and a leg? All this technology there has to be a way to stick it to the man! LMAO
Yea fring works on S60 devices at least... but carriers aren't really happy with VOIP on their networks, no matter where you go.

You will just have to use Wifi looks like.. In your house you can get Vongae. It allows you to have a US phone number, so people call you like your local.

Um, unless I've missed hearing about some new feature to the Touch, I highly doubt it would be able to connect to a 3g network : )

i know, an ipod is an ipod! not a phone durh!:D

i don't know why people say they will put a 3G wireless internet in the ipod!:eek: it's against the laws of physics!
Nice to see another Japanese!

Anyways, no matter where you are, skype doesn't work over 3G (as far as I have heard)



I skype over 3g all the time, but you have to jailbreak. So it is possible, but since the op mentioned he is new to this he might not want too. However, if you do there are thousands of tutorials on google.
Thanks everyone! i work with a guy that knows how to do it and he is going to walk me through the unlock, jailbreak process. Now, from what Macgic wrote I should be able to Skype over 3G with just the unlock and jailbreak. So I really don't need the 3G Uunrestrictor?
Thanks everyone! i work with a guy that knows how to do it and he is going to walk me through the unlock, jailbreak process. Now, from what Macgic wrote I should be able to Skype over 3G with just the unlock and jailbreak. So I really don't need the 3G Uunrestrictor?

You don't need to unlock just jailbreak. Unlocking allows you to use your phone on any carrier, but jailbreaking just allows you to use apps that Apple doesn't/wont accept. I use voipover3g, but I have heard that 3G unrestrictor works too. You have to download one of the two apps i mentioned to use skype over 3G. Jailbreaking just provides the means to download it.

Let me know how it goes
It works great! I had it jailbroke last night and downloaded 3g unrestrictor and it works like a charm! Matter of fact I am using right now! Thanks everyone for all the help!
Oh and another little added benefit I figured out today....

I had my wife call my skype when the phone was turned on and now we talk "computer to computer" for FREE! No more Skype credit!
ummm no, Skype. She has it on her computer and i have it on my phone and it works just like comp to comp. Don't tell me i could have saved a headache and went with Google voice! lol
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