a) RealBasic is a "kludge" [my opinion] and costs way way too much. Objective-Basic is to Objective-C like VB.Net is to whatever M$ calls C.Net. The syntax is barely changed, and the complexity of programming falls back on the programmer
b) the project will really be a translator, and will use the current GCC compiler
c) not everyone likes/wants to program in "C" and there needs to be alternatives
d) I'm doing this mainly to do it.... I'm a programmer that like a challenge and rarely uses a product if I feel I can develope a better one. I'm not alway successful.... but I sure as heck learn a lot along the way
The struggle for any Basic hoping to bridge into the Cocoa layer for GUI toolkits (and the rest) will run into the underlying problem that caused the Java bridge to be discontinued: Cocoa is totally based around the underlying dynamic nature of the language. This cannot be faked in a less dynamic language like Java. Basic is even less dynamic than Java.
If you really want an alternative wait for Leopard. It's shipping with Ruby and Python bridges into Cocoa so you can use some of the most popular scripting languages out there to write your program. There is also a Perl bridge in the works but it might not make it (this is based on third party info: I don't have any NDA info). These are all very dynamic languages. The bridges are all based on a single interface/spec so more bridges could be added by skilled programmers, but again non-dynamic languages will struggle to cope.
Edit to add: source for the above info
It would make it a lot easier for beginners to start coding as C (or derivatives)-syntax is extremely beginner-unfriendly...
I think claiming that BlitzMax is behind C comes from simply not knowing Blitzmax at all. It is a 100% modular OOP-language allowing scripting in other languages (like C++) if necessary. It could of course be argued that it strays to far from what most people would consider a BASIC-dialect, but the syntax is still very much like any other basic-dialect.
Most commands are easily recognizable simply from their name and this alone is a god-send for most beginners...
My point was actually that BlitzMax is a Basic-dialect and share most of the traits normally associated with more "advanced" languages.
But, then again, this might actually disqualifies BlitzMax from the Basic-familly.
Actually Blitzmax only uses the # and the $ for people who are already used to the basic syntax. For everyone else, they can use the word float to represent a float value. And guess what, you can use int to represent an integer.