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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
I just started my exam for my art A-Level and the topic for the Photography section is Anti Social.

I need to find some photographers who have used anti social as a theme in their photo's.. things like drinking, smoking, drugs, prostitution..etc.

I found one photographer, who I e-mailed to ask would he be willing to let me use some of his work for research and he refused, and was quite rude.

Im at a loss and research makes up 40% of my grade!

Any help would be VERY appreciated!


macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
I just started my exam for my art A-Level and the topic for the Photography section is Anti Social.

I need to find some photographers who have used anti social as a theme in their photo's.. things like drinking, smoking, drugs, prostitution..etc.

I found one photographer, who I e-mailed to ask would he be willing to let me use some of his work for research and he refused, and was quite rude.

Im at a loss and research makes up 40% of my grade!

Any help would be VERY appreciated!

When I studied Photography theory and history we didn't need to get anyone's permission to use images. You do, however, need to acknowledge them and credit the images.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003
I just started my exam for my art A-Level and the topic for the Photography section is Anti Social.

I need to find some photographers who have used anti social as a theme in their photo's.. things like drinking, smoking, drugs, prostitution..etc.

I found one photographer, who I e-mailed to ask would he be willing to let me use some of his work for research and he refused, and was quite rude.

Im at a loss and research makes up 40% of my grade!

Any help would be VERY appreciated!

Is this anti-social in the hard strict sense? Or can it be a play on words/metaphorical?


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
When I studied Photography theory and history we didn't need to get anyone's permission to use images. You do, however, need to acknowledge them and credit the images.

This seem like the course of action to take JDT. Simply borrow the images and make reference to actual photographer who "owns" them. :)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2006
Lund Sweden {London England}
I just started my exam for my art A-Level and the topic for the Photography section is Anti Social.

I need to find some photographers who have used anti social as a theme in their photo's.. things like drinking, smoking, drugs, prostitution..etc.

I found one photographer, who I e-mailed to ask would he be willing to let me use some of his work for research and he refused, and was quite rude.

Im at a loss and research makes up 40% of my grade!

Any help would be VERY appreciated!

When ever i did an art project i always liked to put as big a spin on the title as i could, i'd recommend not sticking with the standard 'anti social' ideas. I agree with everyone else about the pictures. Just use them and credit the guy.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2006
Noboyushi Araki has done lots of photography on prostitution if that can work...(WARNING: many images are not work safe in goole image search)


May be a bit much though :eek:

I agree with the thinking outside the box thing, that's what I'm doing for my GCSE art at the moment...I hope.


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
Err, sorry i tried to take some shots in the crackhouse today but the doorman smashed my camera.:confused:
I didn't sell it, swear. He smashed it so I threw it away. can i borrow some money? *twitch I need a new camera. reaally. I can pay you back on Saturday.*twitch
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