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Original poster
Sep 26, 2023
I have a decent Samsung with smart tv that has every app I need, EXCEPT F1TV. Are there any other advantages of AppleTV over Samsung smart tv? 1 app is a weak argument to buy it for 1/4 of minimal salary in my country, especially since I can cast it from my phone via AirPlay (even if it works poorly), so are there any more solid reasons to buy it?
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Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
Are there any other advantages of AppleTV over Samsung smart tv?
There are probably a hundred threads with a similar question asked and answered, but I can list a few reasons.

To be fair, Apple does a horrible job explaining the ATV HW to potential customers, why they should get one, what makes it better than other options, or even what the Apple TV even is. In my experience, most non-techies, and even some techies have no idea what the Apple TV is. When talking to other people, they often think I am either talking about Apple TV+ or an actual television set. This probably has to do with Apple horrible naming of ATV+ and the Apple TV app.

When telling people about my Apple TV 4K and why they might want to try it, I often hear "I have that already, it came installed on my Smart TV." You even see it on this forum, people thinking that "why get an Apple TV 4K when I have it already on my Smart TV?".

I blame it on Apple, if they spent a fraction of the ATV+ advertising on the ATV HW, I am sure a lot more people would at least know that there is a difference.

Anyways, here are a few reasons why to get an ATV:

The ATV is in the Apple Ecosystem. Yeah, you can AirPlay to a Smart TV, but with an ATV everything just works together a lot more. You can get alerts for your HomeKit devices, view cameras, turn on lights, set scenes and run automations. The ATV can also be a hub for your HomeKit things.

The ATV HW is supported for a lot longer than what is typical on Smart TVs. I think it has gotten better recently, but is not uncommon for apps and OSs on Smart TVs to no longer be updated after a few years. To put this in perspective, almost every app for tvOS that can be used on the newest ATV can still be used for the ATV that launched with tvOS 9 years ago. The ATV4 (HD) is still getting tvOS updates.

The ATV HW, especially since the original ATV4K1 (2017) is powerful compared to Smart TV HW and other streaming box HW. The newest ATV4K3 is very fast for streaming apps, and if you use one then go back to using a Smart TV, the OS on the Smart TV feels like it is moving in slow motion.

You can take the ATV with you places. I take my ATVs with me whenever I travel. Apple made it a lot easier to connect to Hotel Wifi on tvOS.

Games, if you play. The ATV has some games. It is very casual, but there there are a few good ones that stand out. I suggest getting the older ATV4K2 over the newer ATV4K3 for some of them as the ATV4K3 doesn't have a fan and can actually thermal throttle on some games. Streaming apps (with the exception of some content on Plex) won't thermal throttle, so if you don't play games, I would recommend the newest ATV4K3 over the older ones unless you can get a really good deal on an older one.

There are a bunch of other reasons as well, but the above are my top reasons.

Now, some reason to not get an ATV:
Price. The HW is really fast on the ATVs, but even with the price drop with the most recent model, it is expensive, and the super fast HW isn't really needed for someone that is just using streaming apps.

State of the tvOS App Store, specifically for games. The App Store has a lot of dead games that are no longer working, or not fully working. Developer interest was pretty when tvOS first launched, but with Apple being Apple, they killed any momentum with stupid restrictions on apps in the tvOS App Store that even when Apple backpedaled on those restrictions, the damage was done, and developers started to flee or just abandon their tvOS version of apps. The popular streaming apps don't have this issues, and I don't expect this to change, so if you don't play games, I would just ignore.

Getting the settings right. I love my ATVs, but with a 4K TV, getting the picture looking good took a while, and I had to change some of the settings. Even after making a bunch of adjustments on the tvOS settings and my TV picture settings, I still think the quality of the picture looks better on my 4K Smart TV's version of apps, but the ATV's picture is close.


Jun 30, 2007
As stated above there are a lot of posts detailing the differences. Here's one from 2020:

Television vendors are interested in TV sales. As such:

1. They are reluctant to update older TVs with newer software as that doesn't increase sales
2. Their expertise is in Television, not software. As such their software is likely to be inferior to that offered by a software company.
3. It is comparatively inexpensive to replace an Apple TV to support features which require hardware changes.

LG has been dragging their feet on updating their 2018 models. They did add the Apple TV app. Within a couple of days the said they weren't adding airplay 2, then they were. It has been like a year waiting for this to happen.

Depending upon your TV some features may not be available. Unless your TV has eArc you are unable to get high res sound. [The Apple TV doesn't support lossless formats, but does support high resolution audio].

The LG Apple TV app is inferior to that on the Apple TV. Can't see video information before watching. You select it and it immediately starts playing. I haven't been able to figure out how to control it with my Harmony remote. If I want to go from watching a video to my library list I have to hit exit which takes me back to the LG menu. I then have to reselect the Apple TV app.

Apple TV also as a lot of apps which aren't available on my LG. I use network (not internet) bandwidth testing apps to diagnose network problems which are not available on the LG. It integrates with the Apple ecosystem, and so on.
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macrumors G5
Above posts are good. I'll contribute 2 very simple points as someone who also owns a "good Samsung SmartTV": is there at least one app you want to use on your TV NOT available among the Samsung TV apps? If so, you need something else that can run that app(s) too.

And Apple DRM is still a thing. If you possess Apple DRM media, it will only play on Apple tech. Samsung TV apps will just refuse... because they can't play it (without an Airplay assist from some other piece of Apple tech).

Bonus: AppleTV the app and AppleTV the hardware are as different as the phone app on iPhone and the iPhone (hardware). The app with that name does a few things. The hardware can run many OTHER apps that are not included in the app. So just because you see an AppleTV app on a television doesn't make the television have ALL of the capabilities of the box with the same name... just as seeing an app on AppleTV called Computers doesn't make AppleTV a Mac(s). If Apple ever put the phone app on your Samsung, your TV wouldn't be an iPhone... just a TV that can do the things that that one app can do... but all of the OTHER apps iPhone hardware can run wouldn't also be available on that TV.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2020
For some its the pprivacy, tracking and advertising.

Speed, integration with the Apple ecosystem/UX for others.


macrumors 601
Jan 13, 2011
As many have said - never ever will you be able to stay up-do-date software-wise on any smart-TV.
Another consideration, for me at least, is the fact, that a high quality display in a TV can far outlive any smart processor built into it. So I have consciously chosen to use my TV as a dumb device - HDMI screen only. And all the smartness is outside of it.
Good display panel is also an order of magnitude more expensive than appleTV, so it is a no-brainer to keep the screen and update the external smart box, if the need arises.
Apple is very good in maintaining software support for its devices for at least 5..7 years.
I still own the aTV 4K 1st Gen, bought right at its launch in 2017. I have not yet found any compelling reason to upgrade it. tvOS is the latest version. Only if the tvOS support will be discontinued, will I need to worry about the hardware upgrade.
PS gamers probably see this differently, but IMHO appleTV is not a gaming console.
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