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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 1, 2006
Baltimore, Maryland USA
I wanted to add a couple of my favorite films on my iPad for quick and easy access anytime I am in the mood. What I found many times on iTunes is that a somewhat newish movie will be available in HD for rental only, but you can purchase the movie in standard def. I have HD TV, and try to purchase nothing but Blu-Ray movies for my bigscreen, and I do see a big difference there. I'm wondering if there is really much difference noticeble on the iPad?

BTW, for fans of The Godfather Trilogy (my favorite). The iTunes price for each of the three movies is $9.99, but I got the Trilogy for a recently reduced price of $17.99. That basically gets Godfather 3 for free, which is exactly how much I was willing to pay for it. Not even sure I can justify the disk space. :p
The only benefit I see is if you intend to watch it on a HD TV at some point. Otherwise it is a waste of disk space.
The only benefit I see is if you intend to watch it on a HD TV at some point. Otherwise it is a waste of disk space.

Fair enough. That is kinda what I thought, but wasn't sure. I don't foresee my outputing from my iPad to my TV. I also wanted to buy copies of Modern Family (love that show) but I think there is like $1 per episode difference in price for HD. It adds up. Thanks for the feedback.
The whole HD movie file thing is a big storage issue. I downloaded the standard def version of "24" and plugged the RCA cables from my iPad into my TV. It looked OK. I mean, it wasn't crisp or anything, but it did the job. On the iPad screen itself it looked fine too.

I still haven't bought into the HD thing. Bluerays are still too expensive. And I'd rather buy the DVD and rip it than buy it off iTunes. I'd like to be able to play it on any device I want, and not be limited. Having said that, I got the Avatar Blueray disc that also had a regular DVD in the box. Sweet. ;)
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