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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 27, 2008
Houston (duh)
I frickin' hate mail order. I only do it if there's no other choice (it's a lack of patience thing), so do I have to mail order a stylus?

Is there a store that carries an iPad compatible stylus?
Note taking apps... like MyPaperDesk or PenUltimate

I think it will help me when trying to draw something, etc.

Ah yes. Potentially. I couldn't imagine trying to use it around the entire OS though, I feel like it would slow things down.
I can confirm that I bought a Pogo Sketch at an Apple Store.

Be persistent though- the first sales rep that I asked didn't know what I was talking about. The next guy did, and went to the back and got me one.
I can confirm that I bought a Pogo Sketch at an Apple Store.

Be persistent though- the first sales rep that I asked didn't know what I was talking about. The next guy did, and went to the back and got me one.

Good advice. Thanks!!

Ah yes. Potentially. I couldn't imagine trying to use it around the entire OS though, I feel like it would slow things down.

Oh no doubt. I don't plan to use it much... just when taking notes or maybe letting my daughter use it on the 'draw' applications too.
I saw this thread and went into an Apple store today and sure enough, they had them in the back. I am using it with SketchBook Pro.
I saw this thread and went into an Apple store today and sure enough, they had them in the back. I am using it with SketchBook Pro.

Wow this is a great tidbit of info to keep in mind if I ever consider getting one. How much does the Apple Store charge though? I can get one on eBay for $10-12 shipped, so if it's much more expensive I'd rather just order it. Also, I have to look up some more detailed reviews. If I got one, it would be for taking written notes, and I've heard you have to press very hard for it to register properly, and it doesn't feel anywhere near as natural as using a pen.
Note taking apps... like MyPaperDesk or PenUltimate

I think it will help me when trying to draw something, etc.

Have to respond here because I too am looking for a stylus so as to take old-fashioned notes on PenUltimate or PaperDesk in meetings in lieu of pad and paper and sadly here's the verdict:

It's impossible right now.

A nice Apple Store manager lent me her Pogo and downloaded both of these apps for me as an iPad test drive and its impossible to wright notes in a size that is appropriate and with any accuracy. The letters want to be too big, the stylus has accuracy issues, and there is a latency that makes it feel like you're writing a second behind what you are actually are writing. From what I understand, it's not the stylus that's the issue but rather the limitations of the hardware/software.

If you want a stylus to sketch with and doodle with, the Pogo is the answer.

If you want a stylus to take notes on a notepad app, hold that thought until the hardware/software has caught up.

Save your stylus money. It doesn't work now. Until the size, accuracy, and latency issues are resolved, the Pogo is at best a child's toy for a doodle app.

The letters want to be too big, the stylus has accuracy issues, and there is a latency that makes it feel like you're writing a second behind what you are actually are writing.

Have you tried Note Taker HD? It resolves the problem of letters wanting to be too big. I could still do with sorting out the lag issue but if PenUltimate can do it, I'm sure the other will sort it out as well.
I got mine at an Apple Store, but I had to ask for it.

Still no luck on the iPad Camera Connection Kit.
I can +1 about picking up a stylus @ the Apple store. You do have to get someone to call for it from the back. They come in silver or pink, and go for $14.99 each. I picked up two and plan to give them a spin later on Sketchbook pro. The only wait I had to do was trying to get someone to wait on me,which is a little shorter than mail order... :) but not by much.
I can +1 about picking up a stylus @ the Apple store. You do have to get someone to call for it from the back. They come in silver or pink, and go for $14.99 each. I picked up two and plan to give them a spin later on Sketchbook pro. The only wait I had to do was trying to get someone to wait on me,which is a little shorter than mail order... :) but not by much.

LOL! Yeah, they pulled out both the pink one and the silver one, and I was like, nah, I'll take the silver. LOL
:cool: Of course! The silver one rocks with the IPad itself. Pink one just doesn't cut it. If you want a black one though, you unfortunately have to go with the Pogo Stylus ( not sketch, just stylus ), and it seemed more bulky & the tip flimsier.
Most Apple stores carry the Pogo Sketch, they usually keep it in the back and you will have to ask for it.

Be persistent though- the first sales rep that I asked didn't know what I was talking about. The next guy did, and went to the back and got me one.

This sounds exactly like the kind of stuff you tell the new guy on his first day on the job when you send him off to go find the non-existent tool that everyone knows is a joke you play on the new guy. Like when you send the new cadet off to get a bucket of prop wash or a 100' spool of flight line. "They keep it in the back. You'll have to ask for it. They'll act like they don't know what you're talking about, but just keep after 'em..."
I'm not sure why they keep it in the back, it is a very small package, maybe to keep down theft, but when I asked for it the associate helping me replied "how did you know we keep it in the back?" Then he started talking into his little mic to the back and it made me chuckle thinking how secretive the Pogo Sketch stylus is at the Apple store! :D

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