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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 4, 2018
I recently purchased the MacBook Pro 2020 and it's time to go case shopping! Some know that I was diagnosed with OCD 4 years ago and that has been a big issue for me. Before my MacBook Air I had a pro with a snap jacket case which I absolutely loved because it covered the whole notebook, only leaving some spaces exposed for the ports. Unfortunately, there is no Snap jacket case for the 2020 model. Is there any case or cover on the market that covers the rear portion and hinge of the Mac? Something similar to the Snap Jacket case. The Snap-jacket protected my Mac for the 3 years I had it and because of it my Mac never had a single scratch on it. Is there any case similar to this on the market that could do as much as a good job as the Snapjacket? Thanks!
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