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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
I've been using my new PB12" for over a week now and am still very impressed. Still no crashes or anything either.

However, as much as I like Mail, there are a few annoyances which I'd wish they'd sort out. But when checking the new features for Panther on the Apple website, none of these seem to be addressed.

First of all, why can't you send HTML emails? I want to put links in my emails (need to for a university society email) but found that I can only change the text size and colour. Furthermore, this never looks right when viewed on a program other than Mail. (My uni uses Windows XP PCs). In fact, why, when I send a picture, does the receiver get two attachments, one of which cannot be opened? Is Mail not playing by the rules?

One new feature is supposedly that Mail now uses the Safari engine. Can any Panther uses confirm that Mail actually opens HTML emails properly?

I really like the simplicity of Mail but I cannot readily use it if it doesn't compose or receive snazzy emails properly. I also have Entourage X, but find that too overcomplicated, and now I'm having to use Netscape Mail for my HTML email composing. I don't care for Mail's new drag-and-drop simplicity or threaded messages, I just want it to work properly.
v1.3 (build 581) of Mail is installed on the version of Panther I am running (7B21: way out of date). It can display almost all mails correctly (some appear more or less upside down with all the fonts wrong for some reason).

But you cannot write HTML mail in this version. :( :(
Thanks robbieduncan. Any improvement is better than nothing. I may still need more convincing before I shell out for Panther though (Uptodate still being rejected - I have a PB BTO)

BTW I like the game, keep going!
I checked the Panther Mail help files (I'm running the GM), and the only reference was this:

If you want to send an HTML file, add it as an attachment.

Perhaps you can compose in HTML is Text Edit, save it as RTF and attach (????)

***I just tested it by sending an HTML e-mail to myself. Didn't work. I just got an e-mail of HTML code. Sorry.
That first link apparently did not post right, so I'll just post the info, forget the first link, just go to:

download MailPictures 2.4 (3.0beta for Panther users)

and follow these instructions:

Those of us who have tried to email HTML for display in a recipient's email client know how futile the effort is. Generally, only custom or specialized apps can modify the MIME headers of outgoing messages in the precise way to make the body of the email the HTML source code, rather than just contents to be reformatted into HTML colors, sizes and entities. Now most people use MailPictures (referenced in a previous hint, but that download link is no longer valid) to add X-Faces and custom photos to their emails within, but there is also a (new and slightly obscured) feature that allows you to send raw HTML emails -- gloriously welcome for those who need to test or send out such HTML newsletters for themselves.

Here's what to do:

1.Install MailPictures 2.4

2.Open the MailPictures settings under Mail -> Preferences -> MailPictures (this may be offscreen under the » toolbar icon)

3.Check "Enable MailPictures" and select the Advanced tab

4.Check "Show Options in Compose Window"

Next time you create a new mail message, you will see three checkboxes: Add Mailpicture, Add X-Face, and -- taadaa! -- Message is raw HTML. Enjoy!
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