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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 24, 2009
Hi all,
I am searching for some cocoa code on AES encryption and I did some google search for it. I found this very useful link -
. So I tried it but it did not work for me.:(

Can anyone suggest me some useful link or source code which can help me to implement it in my sample application.

What didn't work about it?

Why do I always get the feeling people get on here asking these questions so we'll do their work for them?
What do you want to do ?

If you need an Mac App, I have written an App that utilizes the OpenSSL. It is a system call wrapper. It does not use the OppenSSL lib interface calls.

What didn't work about it?

The method:
- (NSData *)AESEncryptWithPassphrase:(NSString *)pass..... is returning (null) in place of encrypted data... can I get source code for AES encryption decryption which I can include in my application? :confused: I tried to search some over net but I cannot get any working cocoa source code
The method:
- (NSData *)AESEncryptWithPassphrase:(NSString *)pass..... is returning (null) in place of encrypted data... can I get source code for AES encryption decryption which I can include in my application? :confused: I tried to search some over net but I cannot get any working cocoa source code

Did you check the value in &error?

People are more willing to help when it looks like you're trying and not just asking us to do your work for you.
Do we need to import any framework or library to use AESEncryptWithPassphrase or other methods starting from AES. I am using AESEncryptWithPassphrase method to encript a nsdata object. My code is :

NSData *encryptedData = [xmlData AESEncryptWithPassphrase:mad:"My secret password"];

where xmlData is an object of nsdata.

But my code breaks on this line.

Can someone help me in solving this.

Thanks in advance.

Why do you mean by "breaks?"

also, do you people even try to debug on your own? The error message almost certainly tells you precisely what's wrong, but you folks never bother to share the message with us. I've seen a million messages like this on here.
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