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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2008
I would like to convert some Windows programs that use
combo box/list controls.

Some of the combo boxes have/need scrollbars.

Do popup lists in Mac support scrolling (Haven't got a
Mac (mini) yet, so cannot experiment)?

Note: combobox = an edit control with a button immediately adjacent
and a dropdown list below. The list shoots down when button is
clicked and can have a vertical scrollbar.


macrumors 601
Sep 8, 2003
Trying to emulate a Windows UI is perhaps not the best method for deploying an application on the Mac. Most Mac users are incredibly fussy about how a program looks and if your program looks like a Windows app they will probably ignore it.

Read the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for how to design a Mac like UI.

This is so true, I use an app called PCGen mostly because I have to, and hate it with a passion because it is far too busy and compact. It also uses way too many Windows-like controls that don't even really fit or function the way one expects.

If I wasn't already busy with this, that, and the other... I would write up a competitor just because there isn't a good one. :(


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2008
Many thanks.

I agree with what you say, so will macify my dialogs.

Fortunately, most of the combos have 10 or less items and
those that do not I can change to listboxes.
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