iOS. Android is pretty much useless and non user friendly. Until someone builds out a ROM with a specific set of default apps, drivers and such.
As to how easy Android is to use. It starts out with who made the ROM. As your experience can vary a great deal based on device manufacturer and their UI.
The Pixel is quite good. The default set is fairly easy to use. In some aspects I think it's more user friendly. Such as searching for device settings or marking and blocking SPAM texts and calls. In some ways iOS is more user friendly. As in how intuitive the UI is, network printing and assistant integration in apps.
In general. Once you get either setup the way you want. Aside from some differences in gestures. One doesn't feel much different from the other.
When it comes to most new features of either OS. Most just seem like something I won't make much use of. Some of it seems gimmicky. While others will just integrate with my daily use without much notice or fanfare. But I can't think of any new feature on either which really wows me.
iOS 14 and Android 10 are the last two which really caught my interest. With features I found a significant improvement. Prior to that it was years between anything really interesting. The last real wow features was measuring things with my camera and Face ID. Although I only screwed around with camera measuring a few times before losing interest.