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Better Touch Tool lets you set the acceleration speed to much greater values than Apple. It's free too
Steermouse. Problem solved, well worth the application. I HATED the OSX mouse acceleration with a passion, still do. Looks like TRIQ will do it, but it only controls the acceleration. Steermouse also has support for buttons and other mouse features.
The mouse and finder were my biggest complaints with OSX when I switched. I got used to the mouse but still hate finder.
No address bar.
No cut and paste for files.
When you merge a folder it completely overwrites existing files rather than combining.... And so on.
I can't stand Windows' mouse acceleration, I guess it works both ways...
The mouse and finder were my biggest complaints with OSX when I switched. I got used to the mouse but still hate finder.
No address bar.
No cut and paste for files.
When you merge a folder it completely overwrites existing files rather than combining.... And so on.

Try TotalFinder.

And the combination of the Triq Mouse Acceleration tweak plus BetterTouchTool rocks.
No address bar.
No cut and paste for files.
When you merge a folder it completely overwrites existing files rather than combining.... And so on.

There is an option...perhaps under Views?...that allows you to see the filepath essentially at the bottom of the Finder window. Would that help for address bar?
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The only thing i don't like is were is my right click on my mouse. How do you do it on the magic mouse. it is not magic mouse it is a dead mouse. It is taking me time to get use to it.
Logitech Control Center fixes this problem too. However, it conflicts with Steermouse, so don't try to do both.
It's funny, but for me one of the great advantages of OSX is the superior mouse experience. More fluid and more steady at the same time.


The only thing i don't like is were is my right click on my mouse. How do you do it on the magic mouse. it is not magic mouse it is a dead mouse. It is taking me time to get use to it.

I have the same with WinXP under Bootcamp, especially with games. On the most crucial moments right-click does not work when I want it to.

No probs under OSX, but I don't do games there.
Some of the other tools posted above seem way cooler, but here's a freebie by the SteelSeries input device creators (not SteerMouse).

SteelSeries ExactMouse Tool

I bet it would work for other mice besides SteelSeries. No settings, it just runs in the background.
There's also a noticeable (for me) amount of mouse lag in OS X. I'm sure most of you guys aren't gamers so it doesn't bother you.
in terminal

defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1

this will disable mouse accelleration. (maybe require reboot)

you can set it to any value you wish, like 0.01234

i think higher then 3 will be to much though.

this change will be overwritten if you edit any keyboard or mouse changes in system preferences.

you could write an applescript:

do shell script "defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1"

and then put it in Startup Items in system preferences.

I think this is essentially what most mouse software does anyway (when it comes to mouse acc)
Interesting! - one example of "what your use to" I have only ever used a trackball for mouse usage for 15 years Kensington Turbo &/or Logitech marble mouse. When I have freelanced on locations in the past I had to take my mouse to work on locations, just could not handle the push mouse - i felt like I was petting a cat. and it felt so slow to get anything done, but never found a conflict with mouse accl. on one OS platform to the next.

The trackball first invented in 1952
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