I'm starting a technical communications program at UC Berkeley soon and was wondering how well Adobe FrameMaker and Macromedia RoboHelp run under Virtual PC. Is anybody doing this?
I realize it would probably be cheaper for me to buy a PC notebook than it would be to upgrade my (old Pismo) Powerbook *and* buy VPC, but I'd like to have one machine for everything.
Also, what are the equivalent programs on the Mac side? (Adobe recently discontinued development of FrameMaker for Mac.)
Please chime in if you know something about technical writing on the Mac.
I realize it would probably be cheaper for me to buy a PC notebook than it would be to upgrade my (old Pismo) Powerbook *and* buy VPC, but I'd like to have one machine for everything.
Also, what are the equivalent programs on the Mac side? (Adobe recently discontinued development of FrameMaker for Mac.)
Please chime in if you know something about technical writing on the Mac.