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law guy

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
I am thinking of purchasing a D70s. I see the price falling a little - down to $820-something on B&H for the body. If there is a pending update I would could wait a little while for price impact. If the D70 came out around Jan. 04, and the D70s came out in April 05, is Nikon "due" based on the experience with those here with what they've observed about the frequency of new bodies for an update in this range (i.e., less than the D200 more than the D50) soon? Or any good sites where you've seen rumors of impending product announcements? Nikon seems to be able to keep things under wraps.

Thanks LG

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
Well, as background - I haven't found any indicators on the financial pages, and Nikon's forecast documents, like this revision,, are just in terms of revenue projections (they anticipate selling more DSLRs this quarter and revised up), talk sites like nikoncafe only have general speculation - e.g., who thinks there will be a D80 soon? I suppose that's all one can do in trying to judge timing is make a best guess... the D70 sensor is two years old this Jan., the D70s body only is out of stock at B&H and some price comparison sites show others out of stock on the body as well - are they keeping inventory low for a reason or just a holiday rush on the D70s body... etc.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
super_kev said:
Fred Miranda and DPReview have very active digital camera forums you might also want to check out, and they might have some information you are looking for.

Ditto this recommendation. FM is particularly good for getting advice as a photographer, but they have excellent gear reviews, and advice on lenses, and so on. And they do have a Nikon forum, I believe. I go to FM on a regular basis. :) (My s/n there is soulmirror, but I don't post in the Nikon area or any of the gear areas really.)

DP Review is very focused on hardware, and has outstanding information in that sense. I find their forum software a little awkward, but it was very helpful to me in selecting equipment.

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
Thanks to you all. Some of the sites you've mentioned I had never visited before. I think its prudent to wait until after the PMA show in Feb. to see if there are any new releases that will affect D70s pricing before I buy - my N80 and digicam can certainly serve me well until then. Several of the sites mentioned have great information in general as well so I'm sure to add them to places to visit regularly - some great discussions on digital photography and Nikon use in general.

Treblah - I went over to engadet after your post and they had information on a not-yet-released Nikon P&S up. It looks like a great site for finding per-release information.
Baggss - I'd never been to the Nikonians site before - but there's so much there to explore.
Super_key - I've loved DPreviews gear reviews for a long time - the apples-to-apples comparison tests are so helpful, but I've found the forums a little hard to get around. I'd never visited the Fred Miranda site, but it looks great and a little less dense than the DP site and I'll certainly spend some time there. I appreciate mkrishnan's feedback on it as well!

Thanks to you all - we'll see if the CES/PMA season brings any price breaks (or throws my plan off with the release of a new camera that throws my plan into a tail spin).


macrumors newbie
Dec 4, 2006

You might also want to try PhotoCamel, a newer but quite active forum. They've had some rumor threads there that have borne fruit. I suspect that some folks with inside knowledge are posting there.
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