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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
I've been searching for a while now and have yet to find one IM chat client for the 2.x firmware that will allow it to run in the background.

I know there is Fring and Agile for older firmwares but isnt there anything for 2.x or above?
Quite unbeliavable that there isn't one, especially considering its the only way of getting it to run in the background. I'd pay for it.

Insomnia is useful if you are running a logging application that you would want to keep working while your phone is locked and the display is off.

If you are using an IM or IRC client that you wish to stay connected to receive messages while the screen is off.

If you are the creator of a logging or IM application hopefully you can use the Insomnia source to build the ability to stay on into your application, without harmfully deleting power config files. e.g. ApolloIM and MobileChat. However if you would like your application to do something periodically a much better approach would be to schedule a wake up, and allow it to sleep in between times, to conserve battery power. Email me and I can show you how to do that."

I've not tried it but it could work, have a read here (get it from Cydia):
Palringo sucks!
Get BeeJive IM from the App Store. It's a bit pricey for about $10+
But I assure you, IT IS WORTH IT. =]
Yeah, I've been using it since last night. Fantastic - just what I've been waiting for.
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