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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 25, 2008
Hamburg, Germany
I ditched gmail+calendar a good while back for mobileme, but to be honest I have never been happy with the service. I use Linux at work so require the web interface to these apps during the day. Mobileme's mail webapp is very slow plus the lack of proper filters and smartfolders leave it difficult to use. The calendar webapp doesn't show subscribed calendars so it is basically useless.

I'm waiting on a new hardisk to arrive this week so I can clone my mbp before I do a fresh install of lion. I'm seriously considering ditching mobileme mail and calendar and returning to google. I never had a problem with their services and only changed to have the nice integration with all my devices.

However if the webapps have improved to provide better filtering, rules, subscription calandars then I would hang on. Anyone tested the beta webapps and seen these possibilities?
They seem to be much faster than MobileMe web apps but that could just be because they only have a small number of users.

Filtering is exactly the same in Mail they have just tweaked the UI slightly, no Smart folders etc.

Calendar they have added a the ability to add multiple reminder lists (replacing the single to-do list from before) not sure about subscribed calendars as I don't have any but there is no option to add one in the web interface.
Thanks for the reply.

I was thinking that would be the case. I'm going to switch back to google for mail and calendar. When I moved over to MobileMe, google didn't have exchange. The lack of rules (99 rule limit and no concatenation) and smart folders is too much hassle in MobileMe. I had nice rules set up in gmail where I could find certain emails very quick, whereas in MobileMe I have to do lots of navigating between folders and they are always slow to load.

Calendar in MobileMe was rubbish for me. I had lots of subscribed folders in google calendar as well as shared folders and this worked perfectly. I was unable to see these in MobileMe even though they synced ok to my iDevices.

I will still use MobileMe for contacts, google contacts is poor and I've not yet found a solution to sync contact groups to mac and iDevices.
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