Hey i have a school report on the iPhone/Touch and would like any info on the actual programming and physical parts of it that you guys may have.
iPhone/iPod Touch uses Javascript, but does not support Flash yet. The screen on iPhone/iPod Touch is capacitive, which means that it senses touch by the transfer of electrons from your finger to the screen.that is not detailed enough. i need to know weather it uses Java or what? that type of stuff
yea but then i would have to look into all the websites that want me just by a touch and then you have ever website that just says the Words iPod Touch....... way easier to ask you guys
because since the teacher recommended this site and said that if i had any problems to post the questions on here and get them answer this way.
Plus some of the information that i need i cant get from apple because they dont want anyone steal their product.
half of the stuff i learn on here i just cut and paste onto the PowerPoint (cuz i dont have any clue what the hell it means).
Good call. After all, why bother learning about the technology when you can just plagiarize?
why do you care? i have found some uber awesome people that have taken the time to explain some of it to me. how will this help me down the road in life. i work with my hands for a living?
ok smart mouth is it still plagiarizing if i name my sources?
ok tell me the right way to quote my sources. (and you dont have to quote ever time you decide to make a new post)
ok tell me the right way to quote my sources. (and you dont have to quote ever time you decide to make a new post)
Put this:
(Tallest Skil. MacRumors:Forums. arn. 2001)
after the sentences that you use that have my information in them. Helpful if you ever need to write about the Mac Pro.
That's proper MLA format, too, so you can't be counted off for that.
(and you dont have to quote ever time you decide to make a new post)