Subject: Any issue with Promise's 2Ji's disks exposed to heated air from the Processor heat sink?
I've noted that the J2i is located immediately right of the processor heat sink assembly. Thus heated air from the heat sink will be blowing over the disk(s) in the J2i holder.
Disks do not 'like' to be heated up, and this affect can/could be an issue for the J2i over time causing disk failure.
Do others see this being an issue in the cooling design for the 2Ji disks ? The Promise 4-bay MPX module is not affected by this as it has a fan blowing unobstructed air over it.
I've noted that the J2i is located immediately right of the processor heat sink assembly. Thus heated air from the heat sink will be blowing over the disk(s) in the J2i holder.
Disks do not 'like' to be heated up, and this affect can/could be an issue for the J2i over time causing disk failure.
Do others see this being an issue in the cooling design for the 2Ji disks ? The Promise 4-bay MPX module is not affected by this as it has a fan blowing unobstructed air over it.