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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 28, 2003
I've got a ton of movies I've ripped to AppleTV format (no more dvd collection, thank you), but a huge chunk of them won't sync over. They play fine on my iphone/itunes/appletv...but not on the pad.

H.264, no absurdly high resolutions...Bueller?
Seems weird. Most people are saying the AppleTV Preset in Handbrake is doing the trick. I did mine at a custom resolution using H.264 and all mine work fine.
I have the same issue. About 10-20% of my AppleTV formatted movies won't sync to the iPad. All of the iPod formatted will, but they don't look nearly as nice.

It will be great when handbrake does a 'iPad' preset, but I don't want to go re-rip movies all over again either.
Even better, Apple won't offer support at the tier 2 level. They say as long as ITMS movies sync it is working fine.

Meanwhile, there is a 'convert to ipad/apple tv' option in iTunes. I asked why they offer the functionality if they don't support it and the guy couldn't answer. The tier 1 guy was very helpful, the tier 2 guy was a prick.

The handbrake forums have people with similar issues - I've converted all my movies with the ATV preset. Someone suggested trying hi-profile (I don't know why that should work instead, but I'll give it a shot).
Found this on the Apple forums:

"I found the problem with my movies was that they didn't have the right profile. If you look at the specs for h.264 movies for the iPad:

"H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats"

A lot of my movies, even ones that were Apple TV compatible, were of profile level 4.1 or 5.1. You can see what your movies are by downloading the free program MediaInfo which which tell you what profile your movies are. All of the synching issues I had with movies came down to them not being 3.1. I'd imagine if you ran your movies that won't sync through that program, you'll find that they aren't perfectly in line with that allowed specification."

So, the question I guess is how to drop the profile...
All my movies I encoded with Handbrake give a Main@L3.1

Note: I did have one movie that I downloaded that was already MP4 but was Main@L4.1 and iTunes would not sync it to my iPad.
For me, that's the issue that I have isolated. Re-encoding so that the profile is 3.1 or lower has solved my syncing issues.
sorry to dig up an old thread, but I have the same problem as OP where an MP4 file has high profile @ L4.1 and won't sync with my ipad. Is there a way to convert the profile to L3.1 without re-encoding the whole thing?
I have found absolutely no way to go about this other than a mass-re-encode. Load up handbrake and get a diet sprite:(
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