I love my iPad. I really enjoy my Apple Wireless keyboard with it.
Having to touch the screen and flip flop between wireless keyboard, not so happy.
Anyone miss VIM or Emacs? Seems like a keyboard only text editor would be great on the iPad and would make it to copy paste, edit and all that other VIM (or Emacs) goodness.
I'm a VIM user so my Emac skills are rusty so I'm aware of some of the Emac shortcuts available but I'd like a full fledged keyboard-based text editor.
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I'm sure there must be some market for this.
Closest I can get is via iSSH and SSHing into my server and using VIM remotely, which is good for editing files on my server, but it would be nice to have an VIM iPad app on the system.
Having to touch the screen and flip flop between wireless keyboard, not so happy.
Anyone miss VIM or Emacs? Seems like a keyboard only text editor would be great on the iPad and would make it to copy paste, edit and all that other VIM (or Emacs) goodness.
I'm a VIM user so my Emac skills are rusty so I'm aware of some of the Emac shortcuts available but I'd like a full fledged keyboard-based text editor.
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I'm sure there must be some market for this.
Closest I can get is via iSSH and SSHing into my server and using VIM remotely, which is good for editing files on my server, but it would be nice to have an VIM iPad app on the system.