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macrumors G3
Original poster
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
TenFourFox is a great piece of software, but I get annoyed when I see the CPU usage jump to 100% literally doing something as simple as moving the cursor over a webpage, and page loads are quite sluggish as well, again with 100% CPU usage. This is on a Power Mac G4 Cube upgraded to 1.8 GHz using one of the rare upgrade cards (Sonnet Encore ST G4).

Of course I don't expect this to perform like a brand new Intel Mac. Still though, TenFourFox (and Firefox in general) is slow on low-end hardware, and I wonder if there are any modern or still supported alternatives to TenFourFox on Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11). Yes I could update this Mac to Leopard and run Leopard Webkit, but would rather stay on Tiger because it runs decently, looks nice, and also fits better with the older software installed (as well as being able to run the newer PowerPC software such as iWork '09 and Adobe CS4).

I'd also welcome advice on how to speed up TenFourFox itself so it doesn't use 100% simply hovering over a webpage!
TenFourFox is a great piece of software, but I get annoyed when I see the CPU usage jump to 100% literally doing something as simple as moving the cursor over a webpage, and page loads are quite sluggish as well, again with 100% CPU usage. This is on a Power Mac G4 Cube upgraded to 1.8 GHz using one of the rare upgrade cards (Sonnet Encore ST G4).

Of course I don't expect this to perform like a brand new Intel Mac. Still though, TenFourFox (and Firefox in general) is slow on low-end hardware, and I wonder if there are any modern or still supported alternatives to TenFourFox on Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11). Yes I could update this Mac to Leopard and run Leopard Webkit, but would rather stay on Tiger because it runs decently, looks nice, and also fits better with the older software installed (as well as being able to run the newer PowerPC software such as iWork '09 and Adobe CS4).

I'd also welcome advice on how to speed up TenFourFox itself so it doesn't use 100% simply hovering over a webpage!
T4Fx IS the modern alternative.

Sorry, but I have to ask…have you looked at my T4Fx tweaks thread? There are several options there and I've made it as easy as I could.

The whole point of my thread is to reduce CPU usage.
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I guestimate that using the tweaks that I employed in Erik's sticky thread have yielded a 20% improvement while using T4Fx on my QSG4. This is obviously not benchmarked, rather just my gut feeling before and after. Anyhow, they are worth the time & effort IMO.
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Unfortunately, Tiger is out of updated alternatives now. Oh how I wish the guys behind TenFourKit (WebKit for Tiger) had found a way to keep updating.
You could use the tweaks in a sticky and make a "FoxBox" out of sites you commonly use. That will help some.

I have all of my G4 Macs triple booting OS 9.2.2, 10.4.11 and 10.5.8. I use TFF in Tiger and Leopard WebKit on Leopard. It's a shame we couldn't keep going on WebKit for Tiger. TFF is great and I have nothing but love for what Cameron is doing for these PPC Macs, but yeah, WebKit is definitely faster.
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