Well, next year I will be going to college and was wondering if there is any new news on Virtual PC 7.0. As all of you, I have heard all the rumors about it, including the one that says Virtual PC 7.0 can make use of the Graphics processor, alleviating the stress on the CPU, which should give a nice boost in performance because the CPU doesn't have to do graphics processing. Does anyone know if this is trues, and does anyone know when it is scheduled to be released in the form of a beta, trial or full retail product? I am curious about the performance on my PowerBook because in college there are some windows only apps that they use (CAD for example) that would be nice to have with me on my PowerBook while I have a Windows PC in my dorm. I truly love my PowerBook, and CAD programs seem to be the only area where I can't find a native port, or a substitute with the same features or compatibility as the one my college uses (Solidworks). So if it is true that VPC 7.0 will utilize the graphics processor, this should mean a humongous boost in 2D performance, along with a decent performance boost in 3D performance.