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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 26, 2004

One of the things that i love to do is to browse the web, type on word, etc. on the bed with my 12" powerbook. I was wondering if any of you do that with your macbook. I've read the posts about the heat issues with the macbook, but is it so bad that you really can't do anything on a soft surface like a bed?

When I do more intensive things on the bed, I do place a tray or my ilap underneath, but for simple browsing I never have to. The powerbook doesn't get hot or even barely warm (I try to check underneath every once in a while) which I love. Is that comparable to a macbook?

I use my MacBook on the bed. It does say that you shouldn't and I try not to do it, but I'm lazy! It gets pretty hot but no hotter than if it's sitting on a table to be honest. It's carrying a high temperature for most of the time anyway.:)
its bad idea for any laptop computer if u ask me. just to be on the safe side i would allways put it on a nice flat surface like a table, desk, etc.
i do it all the time with my macbook and i did previously with a powerbook. the powerbook actually got hotter than the macbook.
yeah i use it on my bed but NEVER use it on a pillow lol. i did that and the fans were blazing and it was at 85 degrees C. it does get hot on my lap but i can stand it.
If I'm using my iBook in bed I usually have it on a tray or on a thin hardcover book I have that's the same footprint as the iBook. Sometimes I rest it on my legs but I never use it on a soft surface - it just can't get rid of the heat unless it's on something flat and hard.
I use it on beds/blankets/etc and it does get warmer than usual, but not excessively so. Mine starts mooing softly after a little while, which it normally doesn't do unless it's under heavy load.

But it's not bad.
Shrug, I use my Pro on the bed all the time - although, it's usually never for longer than 30 minutes, and it's definitely not with anything intensive (just chatting with friends or watching the occasional 'Office' episode on iTunes).
When I get my MacBook (will be October now :( ) I'll hopefully use it on my bed, but like someone said, with a hardback book or binder or some hard flat surface :)
I used my macbook while in bed wihout anything under it for nearly 4 hours last night (I was trying to get the smackbook hack to work) and other than getting a little toasty it was fine.
I always use mine on my bed, right on the sheets/mattress. When it's on a table it usually goes to about 50'C, but when on my bed it gets about 63-65'C so not that much hotter. The bed, on the other hand, does get warm, but not to the point where you can't sleep on it or anything.
I use my MacBook, as I did with my iBook, on my lap and/or on the sofa all the time (seriously, I hardly move away from my corner ;)). Never been bothered with heat issues because I have one of these between my notebook and any soft (and/or tender) surfaces... :)
I have to put a book under it when I am using it on my lap because it gets fairly warm and uncomfortable.
Slightly related question, how are you guys finding out the exact temp of your MacBooks? I have got a widget that is supposed to tell me everything from it's shoesize to current mood but the temp is always blank. Maybe it's off the scale LOL!
CoreDuoTemp also works. I browse while resting on a soft surface like a bed all the time, and it makes almost no difference in the amount of heat produced. The air vent is behind the screen hinge, so it isn't easily obstructed.
When I place my macbook on my desk the temp goes to 62c and on a pillow in bed it get up to 63c. so its only a 1 degree difference.:D
I will either use it with my external display on my desk, closed, flat, or on my lap (mine doesn't get too hot and my old PB made my lap used to heat around 150º), or if it ever gets too hot, on some sort of leather or cloth surface (such as chair, couch, or bed.
I'm on my bed right now, and it's on my lap. I wouldn't want to have it sit on my bare lap, so i'm wearing shorts. It feels warm through them, the temperature reads 56degrees. All I have open is Camino. I was playing Diablo 2 earlier and the temperature was 72, and I didn't notice much difference in heat. It wasn't very hot on my leg.
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