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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
I'm an artist that's about to make to change from PC to Mac and I need to know if it will run photoshop smoothly as if it were MS paint lol. I use a wacom and I usually do drawings on the computer and have to work with high resolutions. I was thinking about getting the 4 ram, 3.06 GHz one, what do you think? I really need your help here thank you
I'm an artist that's about to make to change from PC to Mac and I need to know if it will run photoshop smoothly as if it were MS paint lol. I use a wacom and I usually do drawings on the computer and have to work with high resolutions. I was thinking about getting the 4 ram, 3.06 GHz one, what do you think? I really need your help here thank you

Well, windows actually runs photoshop better than osx...but I would reccomend just installing bootcamp if you absolutly need the tiny minute diff. in performance....however, I think you'll find the overall enviornment of OSX much better than windows...for an artist that is.
Well, windows actually runs photoshop better than osx...but I would reccomend just installing bootcamp if you absolutly need the tiny minute diff. in performance....however, I think you'll find the overall enviornment of OSX much better than windows...for an artist that is.

I slightly disagree with the first part here. Photoshop on the new Intel chips is much faster than it was on the PowerPC platform. (I currently use a MB Pro)

The second half I do agree with. I would take the use of OS X any day over Windows. To me it just works and flows so much better. For me, there is a reason that the creative/design/marketing field is the base consumer of Apple and its Macintosh.

Unless you are planning to do a lot of video editing or 3D apps, I would not worry about it.

I just ordered the very same machine for the very same uses (Adobe CS3 suite). I also own an Intuous3 tablet that I use to create my work. I have done all the reading and research I can on this topic all over the web and I have gathered this machine will be great for me as an artist.

That prompted me to get the 3.06GHz version with the 8800GS card as well as maxing it out to 4GB of RAM.

Do a couple searches on this forum for 'design' or 'graphics' or 'art' and you will get ti read a few other posts here. Also, do some general web searching on this machine and graphic design and you will come across a handful more.

I personally think this machine will be very good for me and that I would recommend it to any artist out there.
As a working artist for many years - I always worked on a PC - a Dell XPS to be exact, and it blazes... I work on a IMac now at work, and did years ago at school -- no comparison. The Macs I have worked on are tortureously slow. I don't get all the hype I've heard all these years, seriously. I crave my blazing XPS -- 20 windows open and not a blip. A great monitor and a great graphics card and you will be all set. Good luck!
As a working artist for many years - I always worked on a PC - a Dell XPS to be exact, and it blazes... I work on a IMac now at work, and did years ago at school -- no comparison. The Macs I have worked on are tortureously slow. I don't get all the hype I've heard all these years, seriously. I crave my blazing XPS -- 20 windows open and not a blip. A great monitor and a great graphics card and you will be all set. Good luck!

Yeap, then putting up with the crap operatign system that is Windows - with all its problems.

I don't know what you used, but I can tell you, sitting on my iMac 2.6Ghz model, Photoshop is lightening fast. At least the whole GUI doesn't come to a screeching halt like it did with my old Dell Dimension 8400 or find that the whole explorer hangs.
Don't get defensive. I've had few problems with my PCs. I work on both, and I told a fellow artist my opinion, that's it. Geez

Working on my pc at home is a breeze. Multi-tasking MEANS something. Not coming on a forum to find out what I need to make it faster while its saving a tiff file... which takes too much time to waste. Sorry if I stepped on your toes, Mac Guy.
Don't get defensive. I've had few problems with my PCs. I work on both, and I told a fellow artist my opinion, that's it. Geez

Working on my pc at home is a breeze. Multi-tasking MEANS something. Not coming on a forum to find out what I need to make it faster while its saving a tiff file... which takes too much time to waste. Sorry if I stepped on your toes, Mac Guy.

If you're a PC user, why are you even on a Mac forum? trolling I guess.
As a working artist for many years - I always worked on a PC - a Dell XPS to be exact, and it blazes... I work on a IMac now at work, and did years ago at school -- no comparison. The Macs I have worked on are tortureously slow. I don't get all the hype I've heard all these years, seriously. I crave my blazing XPS -- 20 windows open and not a blip. A great monitor and a great graphics card and you will be all set. Good luck!

What iMac and what version of Photoshop?
If you're a PC user, why are you even on a Mac forum? trolling I guess.

Yeah, I'm trolling on a Mac forum. Jesus -- I joined today to find out how to make this thing FAST-ER. So far no one has been able to tell me. That's okay, I've lived with hearing Mac people for almost 20 years, I guess some things don't change. lol -- don't take to heart my experience with the two platforms, 'kay? It's Friday. You can chill tonight. lol

To the artist: Get what you want! You're on a Mac forum, so you want to buy a Mac. Buy a Mac. There really isn't that big of a difference, despite what you may have heard.
What iMac and what version of Photoshop?
It says IMac 6.1, 4 mb cache, 2.16 ghz, 193 HD available, --

1 G ram - 2 DIMMS of 512 .. I posted a thread asking how much RAM can be put in this machine... obviously this must be the problem...

And it's Photoshop CS2...
I do a lot of medium format photography stuff in PS (CS3) and find no difference between running it on my 3ghz PC and 3Ghz Mac.
It says IMac 6.1, 4 mb cache, 2.16 ghz, 193 HD available, --

1 G ram - 2 DIMMS of 512 .. I posted a thread asking how much RAM can be put in this machine... obviously this must be the problem...

This amount will slow you down quite a bit if you have 20 windows open or large picture files with lots of layers. You should have at least 2GB preferably 4GB.

And it's Photoshop CS2...
This is the huge problem. CS2 on Mac OS X is designed for PowerPC CPU's and is being emulated with Rosetta. You need CS3 to get a huge performance boost since it is a Universal application, meaning it has been optimized for Intel processors. For many tasks in CS2 you are getting speeds equivalent to a 5-7 year old Powermac G4.

It's not the iMac that is slow. It is the software that is being emulated.
hello, thank you for your responses guys! all of this computer talk makes me very uneasy, I never know what to do when it comes to computers and that's what sparked me in asking this question here on the forum. My brother owns a macbook and I've used it a few times, I seem to like it okay, but I just need something that is not going to lag on me when working on files that are 300dpi resolution with my tablet.

Also, I was thinking about using it to watch dvds lol, but mainly to do my work on. I kinda want to go for another PC but macs seem to have a longer life span, plus no viruses etc, i think thats another great plus! It's really confusing though, making the right decision and all, I have around 3000 bucks to spend on this new computer though.

Oh, I'm also scared of having Vista. I don't like what I've read about it so far. So that's what keeps me from buying a new PC, having to deal with a problematic operating system.

Does the imac 24 play dvds nicely on it's screen? THANK YOU for your advice!
DVD's have always looked just fine on any Mac I have ever seen from the Beige G3 333mhz running Mac OS X 10.2 on up.

You'll enjoy the iMac. If you can I would wait for Intel's release of their Mobile Quad Core CPU's next month, as Apple may integrate quickly into their iMac. Given the huge gap between the Mac Pro and iMac.

Heck since you have $3k to spend you might think of getting a Refurbished Quad 2.8 Mac Pro, a $350-400 24inch LCD, some more RAM and a large hard drive. If you can eek out a little more money you could get a refurbished 2.8Ghz Octo-Core Mac Pro. The Mac Pro is very upgradeable and powerful. Just thought I would lay out the temptation:D
hmmm, maybe I should wait, perhaps they integrate blue ray onto the next edition? What do you guys think? any other input?

When will they announce their latests editions? isn't it soon?
hmmm, maybe I should wait, perhaps they integrate blue ray onto the next edition? What do you guys think? any other input?

When will they announce their latests editions? isn't it soon?
Though nothing is definite since new mobile CPU's are due next from Intel and that there have been a few revisions of ATI and AMD cards from the current used models. Next month does seem like a good time for an update.

Apple usually does not announce models until they are ready for sale. Though Apple has also announced products for pre-order months before shipping.

As for Blu-Ray who knows. I doubt it since I don't think Steve Jobs is willing to comply with strict rules regarding HDCP compliance. Plus they want to keep HD the iTunes store. So unless they reason they could make more money with blu-ray support to offset the hit to the iTunes store and Apple TV then it will not happen.
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