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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 26, 2006
Am I the only one here who has the new Canon Mark III?

This camera really is great. I'm only about 10 shots in and I know it. Canon has a winner with this one.

Got it this morning courtesy of B&H's big shipment that sold out in 20 mins.

Here's the 1D mark III alongside its ancestor, my EOS-1V.


Here's a 100% crop from the first shot I took. ISO 100, 1/250s f/4 with the 50/1.4 USM. Converted from CR2 in DPP, minor EV correction, and quick light USM in CS3. Sorry, the cats wouldn't hold still so I had to pick something else :p



macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Well clearly that caliper camera is going to be great. I do not own one but rest assured from all of my time using high end cameras (not mine but for studios) I can honestly say the camera doesn't has nearly as much impact on the shot as a good piece of glass does.
What lens do you have for it?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
Well clearly that caliper camera is going to be great. I do not own one but rest assured from all of my time using high end cameras (not mine but for studios) I can honestly say the camera doesn't has nearly as much impact on the shot as a good piece of glass does.
What lens do you have for it?

a) caliber, not caliper
b) while what you say is true, I doubt that people who are willing to buy a Mark III have anything less than L series glass.

Canon confuses me. Speaking as a Nikon guy, the Mark III is pretty much Canon's flagship pro camera, right? Why then is it not full frame likee 5D and 1Ds line? I'm just curious.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 26, 2006
The 1-series cameras have 2 lines:


the 1D's are 1.3x crop, which means at the same pixel size you have significantly less data throughput enabling much higher framerates and larger buffers

the 1Ds's are FF, but have much larger images. the 1DS Mark II is 16.7MP versus 10.1MP for the 1D mark III. the Mark III and the 1DS Mark II have identical pixel sizes- 7.2µm.

So this is their flagship PJ/Sports/speed camera.

Jessica, I currently have the 50/1.4 USM (to hold me over until I can afford the 50/1.2L), the 35mm f/1.4L USM, 135mm f/2L USM, and on the way a 300mm f/2.8L USM


macrumors 68000
May 1, 2006
Fury 161
Because for press/sports it's often more convenient to get a smaller sensor, even at the cost of losing some megapixels.
When the 1Ds III gets out, it'll be full frame, with even more pixels, don't worry.
As long as you have the same or more megapixels (=ppi) than on an equally cropped full frame camera, you get two benefits:
- higher fps Less data to compute, move and store on every shutter action
- focal lenghts become... well, longer. This can attract customers, as it's more expensive to buy a 600 for a full frame camera instead of buying a 400 + a wide angle lens for a cropped frame camera

Plus, for Canon, it means that this camera won't cannibalize their next 1Ds III sales. :cool:
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