Hey guys... Altho I do have a white 2010 Macbook, my primary hardware/software is a PC. (so Aperature is realistically not on the table)
I'm beginning to play around with my T3i a little more and currently have the Photoshop CS6 design suite. I'm still learning the ins and outs of adjusting levels and everything, but I was curious if there's any point of picking up Lightroom 5 instead of using CS6 for post-editing the RAW files?
I know CS6 is way overkill for the photo and graphics editing I currently do, but wasn't sure if LR would be have a more 'noob-friendly' learning curve to it?
Thanks for any opinions!
I'm beginning to play around with my T3i a little more and currently have the Photoshop CS6 design suite. I'm still learning the ins and outs of adjusting levels and everything, but I was curious if there's any point of picking up Lightroom 5 instead of using CS6 for post-editing the RAW files?
I know CS6 is way overkill for the photo and graphics editing I currently do, but wasn't sure if LR would be have a more 'noob-friendly' learning curve to it?
Thanks for any opinions!