Has Apple ever dropped the price on an item? I can't remember if they have to my knowledge.
On a specific iteration generally not. Do products vary over time over genrations? That is relatively regular for some limited subset on each generation. Not on all, but products do move over extended period of times.
Part of the is components. Part of that is reordering of the product line up. (e.g., holes open has something canceled, Macbook. gaps close as iMac driibbles out of $1-2K price zone, bumping Mac Pro higher. )
If they are available by the end of December, then I figure refurbs should be available around March/April.
Depends upon whether there is an initial demand bubble and how long it last. If Apple doesn't enough brand new items to give away for lemons they will probably use refurbs to fill that hole as anything that fills the gap will be leveraged.
If supply is equal to demand then refurbs will more likley bubble out to the open resale market.
They have lowered prices on products, but they've also increased them. For example, the first couple generations of MBA
I'm not sure original posts is talking about generations. Cost of component parts change over generations. If is far easier to compose a MBA air now that Intel CPUs are aligned with that direction. Likewise, SSDs are far more mainstream now.
It happens. I think they dropped the latest Macbook Airs by $100
Not across the board. The 11" one is still $999. The 13" one fell $100. That seems as much to keep a gap away from the rMBP that moved down to $1,299. The upper MBA 13" overlaps with the entry rMBP 13" now. If they had left the 13" entry at 1,199 the upper MBA 13" would be over the rMBP 13". Far better screen, Iris graphics,
and CPU for $100 less and less than a pound difference.... not going to do much for MBA 13" sales.
Apple will move prices so that products don't collide more than necessary.
That Mac Pro is gapped so far above the iMac they have some room but I wouldn't count on it, unless sales were really bad. There isn't going to be some "component" change to use to push a config variation.
The closest to an "opps that is wrong price" is something like last Feb re-tweak of the MBP.
The partly a speed bump because the MBP refresh in 2013 was going to slide 4 months into October ( from the previous June for a couple of years). However, story here analysts pegged Apple as being suprised the MBP 13" was selling well and the rMBP 13" not as much. Apple narrowed the gap.
Even with a speed bump adjustment there is a component change as the cover context.