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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 27, 2006
Will be my First Mac,

Any reason not to buy a White Macbook 2.0 tomorrow?

I know it's a pretty new system, so should be 3/4 to a 1 year away from any major upgrade, :confused: Right ? :confused:
You might see a bumb in speed sometime in the late fall or early winter, but I wouldn't let that stop you from getting your macbook now. Mac's are versatile creatures, you'll get many years of good service from your machine before you notice its age. Oh, the next operating system will be out sometime in the early winter for sure (again, don't let that stop you from getting your mac now). Have fun with it. :)
In the past have they offered free upgrade to new OS, if your computer was just purchased. (90 - 120 days, or whatever).
SCCA said:
In the past have they offered free upgrade to new OS, if your computer was just purchased. (90 - 120 days, or whatever)

I think the time range is more like 2 weeks at the most, or something like that. No way it's anywhere near 90 or 120 days.
I agree with ITASOR. Additionally, there isn't even an upgrade price to jump from the immediate predecessor to the new OS. I think that Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, will preview some of the OS X 10.5 at the WWDC in two weeks. At least then you can judge whether you feel the new OS is worth waiting for––but I maintain my original position and encourage you to purchase your macbook tomorrow, rather than wait the long six or so months.
Even if a new MacBook is revealed soon I wont expect much more then a processor upgrade so you should be safe unless you want a slightly faster speed.
ITASOR said:
I think the time range is more like 2 weeks at the most, or something like that. No way it's anywhere near 90 or 120 days.
Yes only a couple few/weeks -- mostly for those who purchase store shelf stock after the new OS is announced.

The update program also gives you an upgrade DVD only, and besides costing $19.95, will likely only give you 30-90 days to make the upgrade.

Should be similar to ...

Can't find the Tiger page, but the next OS should be similar -- if anyone remembers when Panther was announced. :eek:
Besides the fact is a Rev A and alot of programs are not UB yet , I would wait until end of August to see what crops up.
I got my black MB a couple of days ago, and I love it. It replaces my 1.5Ghz PB 15". If they put the core 2 duo in these things in 2 weeks, I may be a little upset, but heh, so far this thing meets all my needs, and then some. (I didn't have many issues with my PB, I just wanted something smaller, that had a better screen resolution (than the 12" PB)).

The only updates that the macbook will get this year are minor ones, slight boosts in speed.

As for mac os x you get a free update (You have to pay shipping) If you buy a mac after a new os is avaliable to buy but doesn't ship with your system, If my memory serves me correctly.
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