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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 2, 2018
My ecobee thermostat and Home app give me the option to set my thermostat to auto heat/cool (as opposed to just heat or just cool). Assuming this works properly, would there be any good reason(s) not to use this feature? It would remove the step of having to manually change the setting between the warmer and cooler months.


macrumors demi-god
Apr 27, 2011
Only real downside is in the shoulder seasons when it might get cold enough at night to trigger the heat yet return to higher temperatures and sun during the day needing cooling. Energy usage could increase. I doubt it's much of a risk unless you keep heating and cooling temperatures close to each other. My normal heating temp is 69 and cooling is 76. I keep my ecobee on auto.


macrumors member
Jun 7, 2021
I've wondered this myself. No downside I can think of as long as the heat and cool set points are far enough apart to avoid bouncing back and forth.


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2017
Flyover Country, USA
Like the above posters, I have run into this issue. In the midwest, there can be times of wild temperature swings. This spring we had a couple days when it was in the 90's and 30's within 24 hours. I have my thermostat set to cool and heat and it ran both on the same day. I'll probably change for the fall.
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macrumors member
Dec 15, 2008
Chicago, IL
This spring we had a couple days when it was in the 90's and 30's within 24 hours. I have my thermostat set to cool and heat and it ran both on the same day. I'll probably change for the fall.
Yup, Chicago area here.
I have an Emerson Sensi (which doesn't work on Homekit, but that's another thread)
and this spring we had such wild swings from day to night, where for the first time in a while, I left it on Auto because the heat would run at 68 at night, and cool would run at 76 during the day.
Now that it's summer, I've left it on Cool.
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