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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 15, 2003
I've been in the market for a nikon DSLR for a while - I'm coming from a Nikon FM2 35mm camera - so I have the lenses already and I'm not going to switch brands. Here is my problem: I love buying things right when they are released. The D70s seems to be a little too much for me - both level wise and $$. I was thinking of buying a D50 (body only) since I have great lenses already, but I was wondering if anybody knew if Nikon was going to release an update soon? (aka D50s)

I'm in no real hurry to buy a new camera, but would like to buy one before my trip to Europe this summer. Any Nikon Rumor sites?

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Go to your local camera shop and you'll see the newest Nikon DSLRs: the D50 and the D200. The D200 was just announced back in November and finally began appearing in mid-December, but at the moment it is still in high demand and short supply. However, if you think that the D70s is "a bit too much" for you, then you probably would feel overwhelmed and challenged by the D200. I doubt that Nikon will be releasing anything else for a little while now, even a newer version of the D50. I'd check out the D50 and see if that will fit your needs.... I've heard a lot of favorable comments about this camera.

As for discussion forums about Nikon, go to or to


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
You might want to re-think your plan

agentmouthwash said:
I've been in the market for a nikon DSLR for a while - I'm coming from a Nikon FM2 35mm camera - so I have the lenses already and I'm not going to switch brands. Here is my problem: I love buying things right when they are released. The D70s seems to be a little too much for me - both level wise and $$. I was thinking of buying a D50 (body only) since I have great lenses already, but I was wondering if anybody knew if Nikon was going to release an update soon? (aka D50s)

I'm in no real hurry to buy a new camera, but would like to buy one before my trip to Europe this summer. Any Nikon Rumor sites?

I assume all your lenses are "AIS" and none are autofocus. If so then you REALLY want the D200.

The reason is that the light meters in the D70 and D50 are non-functional unless you have a AF lens (with the electronic contacts) The D50/D70 lacks the little AIS ring with the tab on it. When I say "non-funtional" I mean it. You will need to buy a hand held meter or remember the "sunny 16 rule" or keep the FM2 and us it as a light meter.

So you buy the D70 and the only functions that will work are manual exposure and manual focus. Yes, it is _very_ annoying. Nikon did this intentionally to promote sales of the more expensive camera.

You will likely want to buy some new AFD lenses or maybe even take the opertunity to go with Canon if you have been wanting to go that route. But I stil think Nikon is a better deal. I'd prefer the D200 over the new 30D


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Clix Pix said: probably would feel overwhelmed and challenged by the D200.

Why? Is the D200 harder to use than a D50? I can't see why. Really what you get as a better build quality using metal and water resistent seals and faster autofocus and more AF sensors. None of thismakes it harder to use just 3X more expensive.

TD200 does allow him to re-use his investment in Nikon glass. re-using the lenses will more than pay for the higher price. One good lens like an 80-200 is $1700 which is more than the cost of a D200 body.


macrumors 65816
Nov 7, 2004
ChrisA said:
So you buy the D70 and the only functions that will work are manual exposure and manual focus. Yes, it is _very_ annoying.

Am I the only person that doesn't care that I have to use my old lenses on full manual? My D70 never leaves manual mode, no matter what lens I use. It's not that much harder to take an extra picture before I start shooting or go out to get a baseline for exposures.

The D200 is not meant for people like him, it's like trying to sell him a PM G5 Quad when he wants an iMac.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
SpookTheHamster said:
Am I the only person that doesn't care that I have to use my old lenses on full manual? My D70 never leaves manual mode, no matter what lens I use. It's not that much harder to take an extra picture before I start shooting or go out to get a baseline for exposures..

You are one of the few. I would bet that _most_ (well over 51%) of the people buying a D50 do not understand the basic relationtship between ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. and even fewer could do the calculation in their head to get a manual flash set at one stop below ambient for shadow filing.

Nothing wrong with not knowing that stuff it's just that I'd bet most D50 buyers would want a functionin meter.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
ChrisA said:
Why? Is the D200 harder to use than a D50? I can't see why. Really what you get as a better build quality using metal and water resistent seals and faster autofocus and more AF sensors. None of thismakes it harder to use just 3X more expensive.

TD200 does allow him to re-use his investment in Nikon glass. re-using the lenses will more than pay for the higher price. One good lens like an 80-200 is $1700 which is more than the cost of a D200 body.

He's the one who commented that the D70s seemed "overwhelming," so I figured he might be daunted by the D200. The D50 has the "scene modes" things in it and it is designed to produce slightly oversaturated images right out of the camera in program mode, which is what many consumers who are coming from a P&S would want, at least as they begin to learn the camera and photography....

In actuality, no, the D200 isn't all that more difficult to use than any other DSLR for the person who knows F/stops and what "shutter priority" and "aperture priority" mean. Since the OP is coming from a camera where he presumably familiarized himself with SLR photographic techniques as opposed to using a P&S in the past, then I wouldn't be surprised if maybe he'd find that a DSLR isn't all that daunting after all. Yes, it's a little different with the menus and such, but once you start using a DSLR the basic principles remain the same.

You make a good point, Chris, one which I had totally overlooked, about the fact that, yes, his older lenses aren't going to work as well with the D50 or the D70, but that they will do just fine on the D200. This is an important consideration!


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 15, 2003
SpookTheHamster said:
The D200 is not meant for people like him, it's like trying to sell him a PM G5 Quad when he wants an iMac.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, but just incase you forgot - I said I currently use the FM2. That is an all manual camera - which makes me a PM G5 user over an imac. I understand how to use a manual over an automatic. Some of my lens are AF and some aren't. I've just been putting off purchasing a DSLR and wanted some advice as to if and when Nikon was going to release new models soon.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
agentmouthwash said:
Thanks for all the feedback guys, but just incase you forgot - I said I currently use the FM2. That is an all manual camera - which makes me a PM G5 user over an imac. I understand how to use a manual over an automatic. Some of my lens are AF and some aren't. I've just been putting off purchasing a DSLR and wanted some advice as to if and when Nikon was going to release new models soon.

Then why did you say you felt the D70s was too much level-wise?

Moneywise, yes, I can understand why a D70s or definitely the D200 might be a little out of reach for the moment and why the D50 might appeal to you, but skill-wise, I really suspect that maybe you'd be able to do just fine with a D70s or a D200.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
ChrisA said:
So you buy the D70 and the only functions that will work are manual exposure and manual focus. Yes, it is _very_ annoying. Nikon did this intentionally to promote sales of the more expensive camera.

Little cynical IMO. In some ways it is about making it easier for the consumer. Many are "entry level" buyers are not concerned about compatibility with "older tech". Those that are are willing to pay a higher price.

For many of us "in the know" welcomed the "low" price of the D200 for the compatibility of the legacy lenses.

This compatibility issue has been raised for many a year when Nikon dropped AI lens compatibility from from their 35mm SLR's. At least Nikon offers options for those that want to use "older" lenses.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
ChrisA said:
You are one of the few. I would bet that _most_ (well over 51%) of the people buying a D50 do not understand the basic relationtship between ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. and even fewer could do the calculation in their head to get a manual flash set at one stop below ambient for shadow filing.

Nothing wrong with not knowing that stuff it's just that I'd bet most D50 buyers would want a functionin meter.

I think you missed the point of the post you responded to.

You seem to be supporting that post and opposing that post in the same breath.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
ChrisA said:
The rumors say "No." No new Nikon dSLR soon. The D200 is still the new one.

ChrisA, as one that works in the photo resell industry; I will say there is a certain disappoint in the ranks that there was not a replacement to the D70. Like the D100 and the D70, they were too close in specs to sway the general buyer.

There needs to be more than grid lines, wireless iTTL flash, and "gee-wiz" features to compel the average consumer. IMO the D70/70s replacement needs to have core features like 8mp, 4fps, and an optional grip to make it worth to go from the D50 to the next gen.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2006
In a far country
The problem is that there really isn't a distinguishing feature that sets the d70s off sandwiched between the d50 and the d200. The d50 is a great camera, new design, nice lcd, does all you could ask for in a dslr and compares quite easily to the d70 for a steal of a price. If you are a pro-am then you wouldn't buy the d70s because it is all old tech when you could pay a little more and pick up the hot new d200 which is getting great reviews.

Nikon will replace the d70s, I just don't think its quite ready yet. I am assuming before december 2006 like the d200 release. Probably to be called the d80 or something.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
revfife said:
The problem is that there really isn't a distinguishing feature that sets the d70s off sandwiched between the d50 and the d200. The d50 is a great camera, new design, nice lcd, does all you could ask for in a dslr and compares quite easily to the d70 for a steal of a price. If you are a pro-am then you wouldn't buy the d70s because it is all old tech when you could pay a little more and pick up the hot new d200 which is getting great reviews.

Nikon will replace the d70s, I just don't think its quite ready yet. I am assuming before december 2006 like the d200 release. Probably to be called the d80 or something.

This makes perfect sense. A LOT of people who had the D70 or the D70s were lined up waiting for the D200 and were not disappointed, as it offers a lot of features that the D2x and other professional cameras do at significantly less cost.

When the D70 first came out, it was an instant winner and many people snapped it up as their first digital SLR. Nikon has seen that and has acted accordingly, providing something in addition for others moving from a P&S to a DSLR with the D50 and also nudging those with the D70/D70s into the next step up the ladder with the D200. Yes, probably at some point there will be a D80 or some such after the excitement over the D200 has calmed down a bit.....

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Clix Pix said:
This makes perfect sense. A LOT of people who had the D70 or the D70s were lined up waiting for the D200 and were not disappointed, as it offers a lot of features that the D2x and other professional cameras do at significantly less cost.

When the D70 first came out, it was an instant winner and many people snapped it up as their first digital SLR. Nikon has seen that and has acted accordingly, providing something in addition for others moving from a P&S to a DSLR with the D50 and also nudging those with the D70/D70s into the next step up the ladder with the D200. Yes, probably at some point there will be a D80 or some such after the excitement over the D200 has calmed down a bit.....

Sorry Clix (hesitant on using your real name here :) ), but the current closeness of the D50 and the D70s is much like Ikon introducing the the D70 verses the D100. They were too close, and the D100 suffered a long death and wait for the D200. The shop you know and love :)) ) was among the first shops to "discontinue" the D100 once the D70 came out. There were many shops that still had the D100's sitting on shelves.

At my shop I explain the differences between the D50 and D70s, and more times than not - the consumer votes for the D50. There needs to be a solid middle ground between the D50 and the D200, and IMHO there is not much that the average consumer can see.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Chip NoVaMac said:
Sorry Clix (hesitant on using your real name here :) ), but the current closeness of the D50 and the D70s is much like Ikon introducing the the D70 verses the D100. They were too close, and the D100 suffered a long death and wait for the D200. The shop you know and love :)) ) was among the first shops to "discontinue" the D100 once the D70 came out. There were many shops that still had the D100's sitting on shelves.

At my shop I explain the differences between the D50 and D70s, and more times than not - the consumer votes for the D50. There needs to be a solid middle ground between the D50 and the D200, and IMHO there is not much that the average consumer can see.

That's OK, you can call me "Connie," I just am too lazy to bother signing off with it at the ends of posts. Yes, that is a problem now that there is such a closeness between the D70/D70s and the D50, and that camera dealers still have the D70s on the shelves along with the D50. You're right that most people coming to their first DSLR from a P&S aren't going to really understand the finer points of the differences and the similarities, and all too often they really won't until after they've had some experience using a DSLR. How are they supposed to know unless they've been an experienced shooter that they might prefer the D70s because it includes certain features that are missing on the D50, such as the grid, the DOF button, etc.? The D50 is definitely going to appeal to the person coming from a P&S who has never used a DSLR before, both in terms of its feature set (plenty of "scene modes") and its smaller size and lighter weight.

While I was aware of the D70 when it first came out, and the excitement surrounding it, I was still playing in Coolpix Land at that point and wasn't financially ready to go into a DSLR. Prior to the D70, of course, all the Nikon DSLRs were "pro" and pretty expensive for the average hobbyist. The D70 represented a great breakthrough in making a DSLR feasible for more than just the professional or the wealthy hobbyist. I came along much later in the game and it wasn't long after that when the D70s was released, followed in fairly quick time by the D50.

You're probably right that the D70/D70s will now suffer the same fate as the D100, but on the other hand, there are a lot more of them out there in the hands of happy photographers who either are still using that model as their only camera or who then went on to purchase the D200, keeping their D70/D70s as a backup camera body.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 15, 2003
I think my original post was a little confusing.. but I think Connie (Clix Pics) hit the nail right on the head - the difference between the D50 & D70s seems too small to me.

Sure the D70s comes with a great lens when you buy the bundle, but I have great/fast AF Nikon lenses already. I was just wondering if the D50 was going to be upgraded soon - maybe acquire the "s" like the D70.

I am not a pro-photographer and don't intend to be one, but I do enjoy a good manual camera with good lenses. My FM2 with my F1.4 28mm lens was my favorite setup, but I am tired of 35mm film and want to go digital.

I have never used a DSLR before, but I've been using an SLR for years. Why the D70s over the D50? thanks.


macrumors newbie
Mar 3, 2006
Camera Choices

agentmouthwash said:
I think my original post was a little confusing.. but I think Connie (Clix Pics) hit the nail right on the head - the difference between the D50 & D70s seems too small to me.

Sure the D70s comes with a great lens when you buy the bundle, but I have great/fast AF Nikon lenses already. I was just wondering if the D50 was going to be upgraded soon - maybe acquire the "s" like the D70.

I am not a pro-photographer and don't intend to be one, but I do enjoy a good manual camera with good lenses. My FM2 with my F1.4 28mm lens was my favorite setup, but I am tired of 35mm film and want to go digital.

I have never used a DSLR before, but I've been using an SLR for years. Why the D70s over the D50? thanks.

I had a similar choice to make when I went DSLR a year ago. Lots of lenses and I wanted to use them with the DSLR.

In my case, the brand was Pentax, but the lesson isn't about the brand or the specific camera. Digital photography is very different than film. The contrast is different, the dynamic range is different, and the lens design is different.

What I found was that the camera was an important step, but that there was not a good way to make the perfect choice on the first try.

If you want to replicate your 28mm lens setup, you will have a hard time with digital. Your 28mm lens becomes a 42mm equivalent on the D70. That camera has a multiplier of 1.5 toward the telephoto. You need an 18mm lens to duplicate the width of angle that the 28mm gives on the FM2. The lens speed will have to be compensated using the ISO adjustment. Luckily, you can do that on a picture by picture basis on a DSLR.

My recommendation is to buy the D70 Kit including the wide angle lens, and plan on taking a lot of pictures to gain experience. In my case, I discovered that I have used my film lenses only a few times due to the telephoto effect.

So, dive in and enjoy.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 15, 2003
Engineer said:
If you want to replicate your 28mm lens setup, you will have a hard time with digital. Your 28mm lens becomes a 42mm equivalent on the D70. That camera has a multiplier of 1.5 toward the telephoto. You need an 18mm lens to duplicate the width of angle that the 28mm gives on the FM2. The lens speed will have to be compensated using the ISO adjustment. Luckily, you can do that on a picture by picture basis on a DSLR.

wow, I did not know that! That is something to consider. Thanks for your help! Maybe I'll just pick up the D70s body and play around with it. That camera seems to be getting rave reviews from everyone who owns it. Thanks everybody!

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
D50 vs. D70s is a timely discussion

agentmouthwash said:
wow, I did not know that! That is something to consider. Thanks for your help! Maybe I'll just pick up the D70s body and play around with it. That camera seems to be getting rave reviews from everyone who owns it. Thanks everybody!

Let me know what you end up doing. I've had digital p&s for three years, but my SLR has been a Nikon film body (N80) for the last six years. I am struggling between the D50 and the D70s. The D70s would be physically closer to my N80 (front control wheel, bracketing button), but there is the price difference that is significant enough. I've spent quite some time reading all of the reviews (, dpreview, dcresource, stevesdigicams, popular photog) and there's no clear better choice from what I can see. Pros and cons - D50 exposure a little "hot", but Fujifilm like saturation in color mode III, and great color at higher ISOs (says Thom) rather than the dulling that happens on other Nikon DSLRs, lower noise than D70s says dpreview, but it was pretty good on D70. On the other hand, SD, no DOF, no backlit LCD, can't finetune white balance -but Thom notes that defaults are such on the D50 that less fiddling is required in the first place for many situations. Argg.

I don't want to spend time on every frame altering the output with software (with film, I spent time finding films I liked and filters, but then I either composed good pictures with the subject, light and my parameters or didn't) - and so the question in my mind is the D50 going to be more efficient from that standpoint?

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
Well, here's an update from my last post of earlier today. After three months (which is much too long) of reading reviews / comparisons of the two (D70s or D50), I went with my N80 as a comparison to my local camera store and spent an hour with the two today and walked out with my NEW D50! I'm very excited. I've got my 28-105 on it at the moment.

In the end, for me the items lacking from the D50 weren't critical and I actually liked it size more (closer to my N80 but still a little bigger).


macrumors 68030
Aug 5, 2004
a profane existence
Congratulations on your new camera.

3 months is not that long as I will be going into 4-5 months deciding whether or not I should purchase a D-50 before my European trip after graduation.
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