I'm looking for an app that can record specific areas of the screen (and preferably take screenshots as well), that can also remember multiple capture areas, and let me bind them to hotkeys.
MacOS has one built-in, though it doesn't remember multiple capture areas. Shift-Command-5 opens up the screenshot tool with the last used area selected. You can record a section of the screen or take screenshots.
OBS can be used to record specific areas and can be setup to start/stop recording on hotkey. However toggling between different areas by hotkey might be beyond it. I also don't think it does screenshots.
OBS can be used to record specific areas and can be setup to start/stop recording on hotkey. However toggling between different areas by hotkey might be beyond it. I also don't think it does screenshots.
macOS still has the screencapture utility that can capture video of a specified window or a rectangle with defined values.
screencapture -v -R 0,0,1280,720 720p.mov
records a video of the top left corner with 1280 width and 720 height.
screencapture can be integrated into an AppleScript saved as an app or Automator QuickActions.