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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
I recently got an iPod Touch, and have been debating (with myself) over what racing application I should get. I've looked at reviews on places like, but i was wondering if I could get some input from all of you.

I'm not that into the animated type games (Nitro Kart), but the other racing games are open to me. Even the motorcycle racing game.

I already purchased Cro-Mag when it was on sale, and its ok, but not the type of racing game I want (I want one with real looking cars and stuff)

So would you suggest: Raging Thunder, GTS World Racing, Asphalt 4: Elite Racing, Moto Chaser, or Pole Position Remix? Or should I wait for Need for Speed to come out?

Please don't tell me to buy 'em all. I don't have that kind of money (i'm a student, it took me a year to save up for the iPod Touch--so i don't have loads of money. My budget is going to allow for only one good racing app.) :p


macrumors 68030
Aug 25, 2008
If you're patient enough, wait for NFS. After NFS has been released, then you can compare all the reviews from the said racing games and choose what's suited for you. For me right now Asphalt is the best and it offers a lot of racing options. (though I've finished it in 1 straight day of playing)

I have both Crash Kart and Asphalt, so far I've been playing with Asphalt more than Crash. (then Galcon conquered my


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2005
Raging Thunder- Haven't played it but it looks cool.
GTS World Racing- Not great.
Asphalt 4: Elite Racing- It's cool, and there are a ton of cars.
Moto Chaser- It's just a time trial. Racing computers is more fun :p.
Pole Position Remix- Not worth it.
Need for Speed- This looks great, so i don't know :eek:.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2008
Bay Area
In order of release:

GTS review:

Asphalt 4 review:

Pole Position review:

Raging Thunder:

I would guess Raging Thunder or Asphalt 4 would be the top choices. Asphalt is more modern and the best graphics, but might be over the top for quick casual gameplay. Raging Thunder is more arcade and less complicated control . It appears to have a better sensation of speed, probably thanks to narrow roads, fast turns and quick elevation changes.

I hear GTR is boring due to its tracks, but has the best control setup. With the basic landscape and turns most the tracks I bet look and feel generic. That's probably how they achieved more tracks than any other game. Pole Position is very retro and probably shouldn't be compared to these unless you prefer that type of gameplay.

I haven't played any, but if I had to choose right now, I like the looks of Raging Thunder. When it first came out there were people that preferred Asphalt over it, and others liked Raging Thunder more. Best look at videos to see what you'd like the most.

Don't forget there's a Need for Speed eventually coming out.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
I have both Crash Kart and Asphalt, so far I've been playing with Asphalt more than Crash. (then Galcon conquered my

Thanks...I'm thinking I'll either buy Asphalt or Raging Thunder (i'll have to watch some videos of how they look online, as suggested by Timothy B), and then I'll get NFS a month or so after its been out (if the reviews say its all its hyped up to be)

BTW, i too have had my mind conquered by Galcon. That game is addicing (and i'm only using the Lite version!).

Raging Thunder- Haven't played it but it looks cool.
GTS World Racing- Not great.
Asphalt 4: Elite Racing- It's cool, and there are a ton of cars.
Moto Chaser- It's just a time trial. Racing computers is more fun :p.
Pole Position Remix- Not worth it.
Need for Speed- This looks great, so i don't know :eek:.

I didn't realize that Moto chaser was a time trial i won't be getting that.

Thanks for the replies.


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2008
Need for speed looks like its gonna be cool... does anyone know when it comes?
Of the games avialable now, I liked raging thunder best... asphalt is cool also but not tge same feeling and not as nice framerate. Pole position is very retrolooking... not for my taste.


macrumors regular
Sep 13, 2007
I would hold off and wait for NFS. This is in fact, what I have been doing, even though the other ones out now look great. But, I have always been a fan of the NFS games, and I too don't want to spend the money on more than 1 good racing game. I think they said it was coming out around mid-November. 13th, or 18th maybe. Somewhere in that time frame, don't remember the exact day. I wish it was sooner, though.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
Thanks for the answers. I've decided to either get Asphalt 4 or Raging Thunder....most likely Asphalt 4. Then when NFS comes out I'll buy it if I have the money.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
I found GTS World Racing to be pretty dull. After you get used to the controls it gets pretty dull. It's about as interesting as driving on the freeway.

Realistic driving experience? Sure!
Fun? Eh...


macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2008
Racing games - for me Raging Thunder

Have both, i clearly prefer Raging Thunder, looks and plays very good, has an outstanding framerate and the controls are very intuitive. Asphalt looks very good, but it's just unplayable .. such a poor framerate, pitty they didnt put some more work on trying to incrcease performance ...


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
I just found another racing game. Its called Head2Head 3D Racing. I actually like it. Its nothing like Asphalt, but its kinda cheap and the accelerometer controls aren't bad. The graphics aren't very good though (comparable to GTS World Racing).
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